Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/494

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the gift of the governor. There if another church, fedieWtoBt JW the Hviaw of which isacur.- in the patron, of tht Jte. B. HoDing*. The charitable xlr/wax-t/ 1* of the pariah aatnant to 30 a year. Near Cariabroolu. an th* gnat Oovennaeni priaon or nfcr- me*o*Y of Parkbont, the Atteay Beaaek*, founded in 177S, and the lioae* of laaaftry far the iaaad. la .an viU wu diaeovend on the 8. dope of the hill adjacent ta the new vieangj*. The remain* ,f thi villa, which an exposed to new, an the moat conaidenble BMBKirial of the Boawa oeeapatioa that bar* beeo di*eovered in the Ulrail, and occupy a space '.f aboat 120 foet by 60. The apartment* an pared with fc..^ or fragment* of rooftag tile; the chiefroom u floored with a rich mosaic pavement. Attached to the villa an the remain* at a iaii in uln bath and hypo I :K IX, a tnabp. in the par. of Foreett, wap. of Wat Oilling. in the North Biding of the eo. of York, 7 mOei .-. - -TOWN, a vfl. in the per. of -, bar. of Lower KeU*,m the co. of Heath, pror. of Ur. Inland, 3 miles to the N.E. of KeUa. Here is the

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Annual lain am keU in the vifisg oa the 12th March, the 1st May, the 6th Amgost, and the 1Mb. November. CABLATTON. aa eit. par. lib. in the ward of Eek- dale, in the co. of Cumberland, mile* to the E. of Car- lisle. Una* an an of about 1,800 acre*, which an rated at J,000, and belong lo the Earl of Carlisle. Thenan .nd Mw-millt, but ao church or Tillage. The last incumbent WM Bichard Hogge, who i* entered in the buhop". renter in 1300. .l:LAVEBOCK. 8u CACKLAVCBOCK, I>om/rie- thin. i hmlt. in the par. of ConiecUfle, ward . the co. palatine of Durham, 6 mile* to the W. of Darlington. It i* aeated near the river Teei, and the Banar? Cattle branch of the North-Eajtetn railway. Jimmtanf it quarned here, and wme of the workpeople an employed in lime-buniing. CAULBY, a par. in the wap. of Xeai, part* of Kea. teven, in the co. of I jnwln, 6 mile* to the 8. of Bonrn. 8tam(rnd U iU poet town. It i* aUnated on the bank* of the river Uleo, not far from the Great Northern railway. The living i* a rect* in the dioc. of Lincoln, val. 195, in the patron, of the Marqnii of Exeter and h Bart., alternately. The church U dedicated to St. Stephen. There are charitable endowment* worth about raax, >ATK8, a hmlt. in the tnihp. of Thurlctone, par. of Peniatone, in the wap. of Staincroai, in the if of the co. of York, 1 mile from Penutone. The Mancheater, Hhemeld, and Lincobuhire railway, on which PeniMone i* a elation, paaiei b '. N, a hmlt in the bar. of Upper Navan, in tin.- co. of Mcath, pror. of Jjtinttir, Ireland, not fitr i tnihp. in the par. of Drigg, ward of Allcrdale-above-Derwent, in the co. of Cnmberland, 2 mile* to the N. of Karenglaai. It i* near the V haven and Furoeaf Junction railway, on which Drigg i* a lir i tnihp. in the par. of 8t ' ward and iriberland, 2 mile* to the .~ Carliile. It i* near the Carlule and I<ancater railway. , in the par. of Penrith. Leath ward, in the CO. of Cumberland, 1 mile from Penrith, .'i i* a itation on the Lancaster and Carlisle railway. Thii hmlt. i* Mated on the river Kamont, and contain* the old hall, whirh wa* the nat of the Carleton binily .' beginning of the 18th century. in the par. of Bedmanhall, ward

<. The Clareni

way paaw* near n tnnhp. in the par. of Poult .<, in the co. palat. Lancaster, 1 mile from Poulton. It i* near the Lan- caahire aad Yorkahira nilway (weatern divieion] . Then i* a free chool in the vimge, endowed by flinhatl Wibon in 1097. ..KTON, a tnahp. in the oar. of Pontefract, the We of Oagblderoaa, in the Wert Biding of 2 aule* to the 8. of Pontefract It i* litaated near thi Gnat Northern nilway. The church, dedicated to ft Michael, wa* erected in I860. The living U a pen* CABLETON, a chplry. in the car. of Snaith, wap.ej OagolocroBLia the Weat Biding of th* co. of York, 2 afc to the N. of Snaith. It i* situated in a fcrti. near the river Aiie. The living U a perpet. et dioc. of York, vaL 168, in the patron, of Messrs. TJJJ and Cave. The chorch is dedicated to Si Mar* Then an charitable endowment* lor the poor aaaj^H 26 per annum. Carleton Hall is the seat ,10 Ik CABLETON, a par.

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8. of Backenham rail wi and 8 miles to the 8.E. of Norwich, iu post U living is a net. in the dice, of Norwich, vaL of Ashby united, 294, in the patron, of SET Proctor and Sir C. H. Bich, Bert*. The chut? cated to St. Peter, ia small, with a aquan date* from the vear 1511. JABLETOX. Sa CAKLTOK, Yorkahire. AM CABLETON-FOHEHOE, a par. in the 1) hoe, in the co. of Norfolk, 3 mile* to the N W. u mondham railway station, and 1 1 The Dereham, Fakenhem, and Well* branch < Great Eastern and Norfolk railway passes near it .::: .::.: - : . !.... t : one of four hills in this pariah presumed to be ail The living it a net in the dioc. of Norwich, vaL in the patron, of Lord Wodehooae. The church caied to St. Mary, is a small neat structure in th pendicuUr style, with a square tower. It wa* a repaired in 1830. when a new organ and galler added. The register dates from thVyoar 1699. i* a school supported by Lord Wodeboon, who of the manor and chief landowner. The charitable t dowments amount to 25 per annum. CABLETON, ST. MABY. Aw CAKJ.T ..v, EAST,] folk. CABLFOBDHtrXDBED,oaeofthc21 hunds.e division* of the eo. of Suffolk, situated in the a mentary div. of the co., and boundi : by the hand, of Boemere and Claydon , on the E. 1 bunds, of Loe* and Wilford ; on the Colnei* ; and on the Vf. by the lib. of Ip*wicb tain* the pan. of Great Sealing*, Little Brightwell, Burgh, Clopton, Culpho, Foxhall, ( burgh, Haaketon, K engrave, Martleab.-. Otley, Playford, Tuddenham, Waldringfield,j n.t..m ,,,! part, of the par. of Bushmen, extend* over an area of about 22,600 a. . 1 'COTT, a hmlt partly in the p*r-^H] kerton, and partly in tlutt of Cnni> low, in the co. of Somerset, 4 mile* to the > V. of Ba

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of Lower Dondalk, in the > land, 9 milcfc ! 1 ilk, 10 mi Ncwry, and 76 miles t'. t; par., whkh is very extensive, comprising an ana near 20,000 acres, u litnated in a hilly country on i Ixragb, and include* vil*. of Bathcor and Whitetown. The cmmale t. acenery arc magnificent, which causes it to be resot . to in summer as a watering-place. Th< .bs: , itoe*. A castle wa* erected on this spr/. )i century, probably by th' !.;< h the town gradually erew up, and bee*: JU pour border Of the pale, a plac A monastery of the 1 ' rder I 1 ue Burgo about 1300. In f the following century an Act was pajasd ' e*tabli*hing a mint in the town. In 1642 the town *