Page:The National Gazetteer - A Topographical Dictionary of the British Islands, Volume 1.djvu/495

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CAKU.VIIIOW. 485 OABLISLE. iiirtly burnt by the inmiix'-iil.s under Sir I'ln-lim O'Niul, 1 in a similar iiuiiinrr by tliu bltowers of J limes II. in InX'.). Carlin^f'ord was raised In he rank ill' a market, town by Kdward III. in I:; . ( ogninud as a borough at a still oarliei Hun-, and lie I niun returned I wu member.-! I" Hi- III Ii nt. Tin: town eontain.s about l,<;iin -I IS neither to hae inerea-ied llor .linn u i h. . I : i , Is ori^'im! proportions. Tin: eorp-,, .xtim-t Tin' inlialiitani - carrj ind are employed in tin- lihln ry in lie hav. he Ili-llt i|illl!ily. Al [jre Cnt inilh- I faetoll. -; mi- railwtu , . ist in the parish, but there are I A'lly bill.-l Hlia , l -:o.-,.!!oll befoi. ] i, , I I i: , men 1 ; one Io OOHHI '1 i of ( lie, noi.- with Diiiidalk, tin- nl lir i I 'i con- with Newry ; liutli are likely to he ,-,, m- iM*d, us Urconoro is the nciin i jioinl. io I line am-hora^e ill n()-l> ' ... uji I" Hu- ll mi oli li in;tioil thought this will bucomo a In .1 ml" denGt for "I :ill killd-i. l.illllatone is abundant ill li <lllalTie;< in ai 1 In- iy, or lough, i,s about H miles lon^ anil I'l-oin i. liJii- ainl , though lhaontriinci: i I l.y a liar, i-.hoals, ainl sunken lii-ail is tin month nl III-- Newi-y river, I'll tin: tide runs an far as Newry. Tin-re an; nil Ihl- rn,r:l, iy. Of (In- I. wo lighthouse:', at, till i, oiii i || li .1 -1 I:, -III hiiill UpOII a i-oi-K in till] 1 'iiinlii-1'1 l'oinl,on llu- i-niiiily ol' l)nwn hide, hihiti-ii < row) tin- liar ; tln-olle i i '. a n- olvim; In/li .land, in tlii] enmity nf l.oiith and 'i North ol Ihi I. si-, i. u, i UK and ph -I u i-.t. Carlinj'lord Mom III nl I ,93 i fi i 1. lihove lln I- ,i, iiiul V. of the town cailse.i an early an- held loitni)/lill uini.-.l, u d to l,y i : I t.-.-.o i mat. I, II K'oinan ' 'atholie i ha|,i I -, and on mi -eting-hnllMi) ill the town ; the rfj lli inlliril ill the I i Inn- In a, lint the mini , H "/> .1:1 lion, mi hind. Tie i ! n loii^ ale nat- i| I.I, lol 11,1 I 1 Illy f.'l'in Ol I. mil, n nl of I'.l'l pi r ami nin. 'I In u are live , ill, -hi the , -mil-, I ol ,,,-,! in, il, , ol II I'.' . 11 '1 I,. , no f the i all, d Kill)/ John's ( 'aalle, Ida, id < < ,i Hi- i.ionnlain . 'in I Hi-- .-, , I !,, II |, , | I],,, ),. II'- "I'l" lie end of tin low o ai, the |,e I inoliaiil.ery , liov. H. Ill 'I In (il in--- , .'.I-. ilk-land lion , , I a ..||. i.- til !- ol | i u oiinl, to mill Tin ,laii|ui.-i ol .'-. IIIOI, ,-,ltl, ,1 |i,,,| This was all nold a lew yeam Hinen II I. to dllleji III |im

l.-,i-l Clan ,,,oi,l |,,,i, ha.ied tlin town

ill- I'OJ dti, ..III 1111, llOl I I III- lull -II The < i 'i: Saturday. IMII- uril In Id on tin- III:!. ' ii h inol, III and nil 111- mill , '-INlilloW, a Imill in H.i ,,,, -.1 ( i.L-h, 111 Hi- Nnrtli l.'idi,,-- ol the en, i 'I,, Hot I. u I, no, I ,1,1 I,, CAKLINGHOV, a limit, in the. |,ar. of I'.alli , and wap. of KirigK, in tin- Y-.I Kuliie- .,!' tin- 00, ol'Vm!., li miles to the N.W. ol U'al.i Held. ' 'AKI.IjSI,!'!, a city, hondiiif.'; ]i"il, nnin ninntary horougli, loeally in ( 'mnherland ill the 00, 01 < 'mill,, i land. 301 mill i I-- I In- N.N.W. of London, Illl I'rnm, I'l-'i from I lii min^ham, and 'Jlil from A h, I -de, o. Il i , ai i-.-i I, ml - - e railway communication on tin- v. I l,-r of Seoiiand, lln- terminus of the < 'aledoniaii, GUftigOW, KM Soldi, - I - -i o, and of Ilir I ,:ine.i : ,t, r a ml I ' a , 1 , I,- . -el nm Of Hi- London and Ninth , I, m. The Niulli I: railway wa:, OOJUpl b -I in 186 I, Hid i I,u-l Ion- i-, Edinburgh, running BS. of the Caladonian. TTw New- ea ,H and I '.u le. li railway is now - dwilhlhi: North l-!a tern. A mil her I i m; of 'JM m i |cs runs to Jlury- |iolt, meeting there the U'llilehaVell Jlllietlon lai: and ., hoit. in,,- , .... -iti, Sill. ill, and 1'oit. !-: oil tlin Snln-aj l-'nlli I '.UN I.- i; the '-'iilllty tOU n of I 'nmhei I in-l Th, aj , an- n id eity a|'|ieai i to he a e |,ln,n of I'./,, /,/, 11,,. ,, ,,!' a i"iislini< on Iliia ; ile In -Ion. tin Ron U It i believed to hae !,,, n a 1,'on ]iiol,ubly that - I m, and to h i -, g I,- i n i, l.mll, and for- tilled li the I.'. ill the time ol A'-ll, o!.l It.WllH lehllill I,J I (n v. ll-an it Was united to lie- :,-,- of land, la, n. The I , , vv , , - -I and di itrOl ' d In He- I - in, botti -'-Ml, and was nol restored till 10(12, wlien William l.'nlns loinided the Aiiont i [it, I la id I., Kini; of Scotland, gaini -i pouoinionof tho town, whieh 1,. held i,,, e, ,,ii 20yi L,'ivi-n ll]i h- ill -ilin I '., in 1 1,-V,', to Hi ni II , I lln i v ilh tie- eo i, nt e ol I 'm n I, erland an- 1 .Nollh,llnl,,-ilan-l William the l.l-,n mel. an no neeOBK- fill attompt in 1173 to n i-ain tin ton. Ilis succdbsur -I tin- at 1 1 -iii),! and retook it, lad il, wan noon ; n|i :e-aill. Alinnl. the end of the I'.Mh eenliny a ! i lie eity, inelnilin-- He i Inn-ell, was dentroyod by a tiiiilji lir,. A j,,i 1 1, mi, el --as held at < 'arlislt) by

l I. all, i Ihe haltl, of I'alkirk, and it, Slei the

of aM 111 1 1 1 y for the a i my eolh-,-1, d in l::n<; lor the inviihion of Seoiiand. lii lln- following year Kdw.ird I I. hillhday here. The city was In-sieved in 131/i by Uohert liiln-e, v. li-i, lee.-, , ., , I , I ill, -I Io lakn it. lii oo [uenoc ,-i iti Impot tant poiiti n n a i-order town, Carlisle waw tin- ,,, , ne of ln-ijinnl attaelis and i in i II n I -, thl-ae'hoiil I In | ,< a iod of I he I, old- r Will's, and U) He one, ii of i In 1/5HK Alary Oil" II of BOOl :,all' I the faattl --I l-ne- - ' 1 1 If?" at He , ., II,, and was i m|,i i ion,,! in ill-., - tint, Win n Hie I 'ivil War Inol, --, out , ( ',-u li: I,- I, .. -k He: i-.nle of lie king; hut in 18-1S thn city wa.-i h, ,. -.d and by II,, | to, lie |., ii I,,,,,, nl The royalists n-took it in 1B48. In 17-1,0, Charles ; I 1 ,, I, lid, . ,,l Ihe eity I, .i. -I io Inn, li , I!,- ,,, i , ,., and i oijioiatioii on lie n ' d him 1. o,;. of ( iieat. Itritain. l'.,,l II. , I inl -- -.1 : . in;; Noon all, i -n ,-,-., i. d j,o | :, eai ,,l lie , ily, many of I i of the r, I,, lie.,, -.,,, l.ollil, ' ' la uitUtttl d III a |,l- a .Nil and I, I III. on I In .' '. , id. ol II.. rfvi i f;,|i o, at. tin , onll.. ol lie ' I L Petti ilh il, tin tin- . , . .ind tin I all. I on He B, I Id* It- i,,!,alidrolitiiilis MVI ; I al i I ioL", ill th, -,vitb WIH. I lildingl and n , idee, es in He- loVll '111- I'M'll, '.vhlih I -, Hie lai'-, J, I I -, - I ol a 1 1,, , n , . ,,i e I ,, - , I l,y ii very Im- l.iel-o ol li by ,'a. - I Kaeh and, Wlllln of Ihe old a.-.lh , and , I. . a e ! l,y a , ..I II, i. . an I-, Innll al,,aif IH.'in, and lie I la] l>y two 1,1 e^ i ill a I,. nil 1 VII Tie !a lie i | .a I | HI I iln Inl I Id ,, following I 1 In < il id. I, and