Page:The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803 (Volume 06).djvu/173

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4. That the Portuguese shall not trade with Mexico or Peru. Fourth: The Portuguese should be forbidden, for the present, to make a voyage to or traffic with Peru or Nueba España; for this country will be ruined, while that city (Sevilla—Madrid MS.) will lose the duties on the voyages and goods, and the Portuguese will take the silver to China, East India (Çion, and Sunda—Madrid MS.) and other foreign kingdoms.

5. That the inhabitants of the islands may trade with Piru or any other country. Fifth: We ask that the inhabitants of these islands may make voyages to Japon, Macan, and all other kingdoms and posts, whether Portuguese or pagan, that admit our trade.

6. That the Audiencia be abolished, or paid from Mexico. Sixth: The citizens of this city and of these islands are very few and poor to carry so great a burden as the royal Audiencia, and the numerous expenses caused and incurred by its officials; accordingly if there are any reasons why the Audiencia should remain, his Majesty should allow their salaries to be paid from the treasury of Mexico. The father will inform his Majesty of the arguments on both sides, according to the detailed memoranda and the discussions and opinions expressed here. His Majesty will take what action he deems suitable.

Chapter fourth. Of other matters on which depend the establishment and increase of this state and kingdom

1. That farming and stock raising be encouraged. First: It should be brought to his Majesty's atten-