Page:The Third International to the Workers of all Countries Concerning the Polish Question (1920).pdf/12

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sian counter-revolutionaries of Archangel and the Crimea, never even thought of telling Poland that we had enough of bloodshed, enough of tears. The Polish bandits have promised the government of Lloyd George that with the defeat of the Ukraine they will supply it from that country with the requisite quantity of raw material and corn; and this was quite sufficient for the British Government whilst in the process of carrying on trade negotiations with Soviet Russia to untie at the same time the hands of white Poland and let her out upon a war against Soviet Russia. The Italian government of Nitti, in mortal fear before its revolutionary masses, avows its friendly feelings towards the Russian people, yet it had not courage openly to protest against the war of white-guard Poland but is sending her armaments through Austria. It is needless to add a word as regards the American Government. American airman are dropping bombs upon Ukrainian towns. The Governments of all the Allied countries are guilty of this war, by each supporting the Polish aggressor and robbers to a larger or lesser degree.

Workers of all countries! Soviet Russia will destroy the impudent bands of Polish imperialism just as she has destroyed those of Udenitch, Kolchak and Denikin whom your governments supported. Following the easy victories in the Ukraine the Poles will begin to feel the wrath of the workers and peasants of the whole of Russia, the wrath even of non-party circles who have finally learned to see in the Soviet Government the protector of the independance of a great country which having given freedom to all oppressed nations demands now that right which she herself has recognised even for the smallest peoples,—the right of arranging her life upon her own territory in accordance with the expressed will of the popular masses of Russia. The question is, how long will this war continue, how much more devastation will it bring, how many more wounds will it inflict upon the toiling Russian People. It depends upon you, workers of all countries, to put an end to this war in