Page:The Third International to the Workers of all Countries Concerning the Polish Question (1920).pdf/13

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the shortest possible period by finally defeating the Polish capitalists and landlords.

Workers of the ammunition factories of France, England, Italy and America! Refuse to turn out for Poland a single bullet, a single rifle, a single cannon!

Transport Workers, Railwaymen, Dock laborers and sailors! Refuse to send Poland either ammunition or provisions for it is all to be thrown in the war against Worker Peasant Russia.

Workers of all countries. Get out into the Street, make demonstrations and strikes and let your war cry be: «Down with the hypocritical game of the Allied capitalists and Governments against Soviet Russia. Down with support to white guard Poland. The Allies should chain their dog—the Polish capitalists and landlords, and should themselves conclude an open peace with Soviet Russia».

Workers of Germany and Austria! You know that Soviet Russia is the pillar of the universal revolution, which alone can liberate you from the yoke of your own capitalists and of the noose thrown upon your necks by the treaties of Versailles and St. Germain. Railwaymen of Germany! Do not let trains pass from France into Poland. German port labourers at Dantzig! Refuse to unload steamers intended for Poland. Austrian Railwaymen. Not a single train should be let pass through Italy to Poland.

Workers of Roumania, Finland and Lettland! Your white governments bound by secret treaties with the Polish landlords are able to draw you into this war. Be on your guard, strain all your power to prevent this.

Workers of Poland. You who are tied with the Russian proletariat by the mutual thirty years struggle, little need we speak to you regarding your duties; you will fulfill them during the course of the war of the capitalists and landlords against Worker Peasant Russia by making demonstrations and calling strikes in the name of peace with Soviet Russia, by paying for your struggle with thousands of sacrifices, The IIIrd International amongst whose founders were your glorious leaders Rosa Luxembourg and Leo Tyczko, the Communist International is convinced that you wil now strain all your power to strike