Page:The Third International to the Workers of all Countries Concerning the Polish Question (1920).pdf/14

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a blow in the rear of the army of white Poland by strong detachments, so as together with the Russian workers to gain a victory over the Polish landlords and capitalists. You know that Soviet Russia brings Poland not oppression but national freedom, emancipation from the chains of Allied capital and help in the struggle against their own capitalists. The victory of Worker Peasant Russia will be the victory of the Polish Proletariat the brother and ally of the Russian Workers and Peasants. To the attack, workers of Poland! Set out now upon your last fight, the day is approaching when we shall be the Judges!

Down with the Polish landlords and capitalists.

Long live Soviet Worker Peasant Russia.

Down with the war.

Long live peace between the toiling masses of Russia and Poland.

Down with the criminal game of the Allied Governments.

Long live the International Proletarian Revolution.

The Executive Committee of the
Communist International.

May 16ch. 1920.