Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/168

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140 HISTORY OF THE PARLIAMENT, AT THE AFTERNOON SESSION. The Church and City Problems; by Prof. Albion W. Small, of the University of Chicago. The World's Religious Debt to Asia; by P. C. Mozoomdar, of the Brahmo-Somaj, Bombay. How Can the Methods of Christian Missionaries be Improved? discussed by H. Dharmapala, Ceylon ; Rev. George T. Candlin, Tien-tsin, China; Nara Sima Charyar, Madras ; Rev. R. E. Hume, Bombay, India ; Rev. Dr. George E. Post, Beirut, Syria; Rev. Mr. Haworth, Japan. In this memorable discussion the brief address of Dr. Post had an important significance by its unmistakable though not express bearing on two points in the defense of Moham- medanism, by Mr. Mohammed Webb, against the reproach of polygamy and of wars of propagandism. Dr. Post stepped forward, bearing aloft a copy of the Koran, of which he said : I hold in my hand a book which is never touched by 200,000,000 of the human race with unwashed hands, a book which is never carried below the waist, a book which is never laid upon the floor, a book every word of which to these 200,000,000 of the human race is considered the direct word of God which came down from heaven. And I propose, without note or comment, to read to you a few words from this sacred book, and you may make your own comments upon them afterwards. He proceeded to read from chapters 66,. 2, 25, 48, instruc- tions to propagate the religion by the sword, and from chap- ter 4 and elsewhere the commendation of polygamy. Rev. E. C. Haworth was introduced, and spoke on the mis- sionary problems presented in Japan. The Thirteenth Day. — Saturday, September 23. After the assembly had been led in the Lord's Prayer by the Rev. Dr. Walter M. Barrows, of Rockford, Chairman of the Congress of Missions, a letter was read from the Metro- politan of Athens, expressing his sympathy with the aims of the Parliament. The Hon. John W. Hoyt, of Washington, followed with a brief speech expressing the same sentiment. The Grounds of Sympathy and Fraternity Afuong Religious