Page:The World's Parliament of Religions Vol 1.djvu/169

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THE CHRONICLE OF THE PARLIAMENT. I4I Men ; by Aaron M. Powell, of the Society of Friends, New York. The Essence of Religion in Right Conduct; by Dr. Alfred Williams Momerie, of London. The Religious Mission of the Colored f^ace ; by Mrs. Fanny Barrier Williams, of Chicago. The Catholic View of International Arbitration ; by Prof. Thomas j. Semmes, of the Law Department of Louisiana University. Fallacies About the Jezvs ; by Rabbi Joseph Silverman, New York. THE AFTERNOON SESSION. The Rev. L. C. Mercer in the chair. The Religious Mission of the English-speaking Nations ; by the Rev. Dr. Henry H. Jesup, of Beirut, Syria. Read by the Rev. George A. Ford, of Syria. The Spirit and Mission of the Apostolic Church of Annetiia; by the Rev. Ohannes Chatschumyan. The History and Work of the Orthodox Greek Church; by the Rev. P. Phiambolis, Greek pastor in Chicago. International Justice and Amity ; by the Rev. Dr. S. L. Baldwin, of New York, formerly missionary in China. Universal Brotherhood; by Prince Serge Wolkonsky, of St. Petersburgh. THE evening session. Rabbi Dr. Hirsch, of Chicago, presided. In taking the chair he remarked : To-night we must do things by proxy. The chairman is not here. I act as his substitute. Most of the authors of the papers that are to be read to-night are not with us, and they will be represented by proxy. We have, however, the Archbishop of Zante with us, and he will read a brief protest against a certain superstition prevalent in the East. His Grace the Archbishop, coming forward, spoke with great emphasis as follows : Most Honorable Ladies and Gentlemen, — I am not a Jew. I am a Christian, a profound believer of the truth of the gospel. [Applause.] I am always bound to defend the truth, and for this reason I present a paper here to-night.