Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/386

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356 INDEX. its defences, 362 et seq.— the forces available for the defence, 808— policy of attacking the North Port, the oi ■>'■! the North • John Bnrgoyne's conclusion, 374 — the ol i e Of the vour in persuade St Arnaudto 1 : ii >_^ the Star Fort, ib. — Lord R qualified to lessen the evil of a divided com- mand, 377— the dilemma ol the Allies, the available information re- garding the land defences of Sebas- topol, ib info] mal ion supplied by el Macintosh and Mr Laurence lit, 379 et seq. es, losses by Russia in, viii. 331 and note. ' Marine Heights,' the, iv. 233. Marine hospital, iv. 423, 427. Marion] >ol, ix. 66— operations at, 75 — the nature of the attack on, 309. Markham, Captain, v. 371, 384. Marmora, General de la, accession of troops under, viii. 217— cordiality of relations of, with Lord Raglan, 218, 374 ; ix. 203— his order of the day on Lord Marmora, the Sea of, i. 362 ; vii. 91. ral, ii. 286, 312; iii. 326. Martin, Cornet Wykeham, v. 23S and note. Martin's, Sir Theodore, 'Life of the M e Consort' referred to, vii. 469, note ; ix. 291. Mussa, Pasha, death of, ii. 205. Maude, Captain, Horse-artillery, iv. 12, lietseq.; v. 39, 50, 55. Mauleverer, Colonel, his advance with a wing lit' I '■' ment, vi. 147, 148, 157, 1 1 note. M i. 242, 243, 253, 327. Maxse, Lieuti nant, iv. 23; v. 216, 232, 827, 8 I note Maxwell, Mr, vii. 485. Maycock, Lieutenant, iii. 90. Mayow, v. 127. Mayow, Colonel, v. 269 — his i 270, Mayran, General, at night attack on Selinghinsk Redoubt, viii. 69, 71; ix. 15.0, 158, 159, L61, 211, 21 1, Meal , fresh, and vegetables, th difficulty in getting i upplii i 92. i ranean, the, tain ni i lie, ii. 13. Melbourne's, Lord, Administration, ii. 99. Memorandum of the 21st of June, ix. 274. Mends, Captain, ii. 302, 329 note, 331 note, 334 note. int, i 197; ii. 129. niiit ment as I, i. 102, 104 — Turkish nn . to his mission, 105, meiii of st ii ford, .!, L53, lo the Russian demand, 169, 170, 171, 173, 177— his departure, 179, 371, 377; ii. • it, 128, 131— at the Alma, vol. . ip. i. His withdrawal to the south of Sebastopol, iii. 8 (—the state of his troops, iv. 2, 10 no 34, II, 50 — his suggested works for the defence of Sebastop il, 5 i, — he orders his army to the heights of Alma, 62, 63, 64, 66. up his plan of at- tempting a .stand mi the 71, 75, 76 — his resistance to Kor- niloH's appeals to change his plan, 7S et seq., SO, SI, S8, 89, 90— Ms pre- text : adonn ent of topol, 90— encounter of wit b Lord Raglan's fori e at Mac- kenzie Farm, 93, 94, 97, 99— state of seclusion of the Prince ani army, 100, 101, 109 — his prot of hi 131, 146, 1 : his virtual retreat, 149, 156 — his army, 156, 157— his tacit asseni to Kuinilofl's assumption of command, ib. — his flank march, 158 explanation of his conduct, I 164 note, 107 — the evasion of his force from the town, 168 the pro- et seq., 191, 200, 224 — resumes the possession of the Mackenzie Heights, 241— he keeps the fate • I in suspense, 270, 277, 279,— sends re- infori enients to succour the garrison, morn- ing of the first cannonade, 806, 322, ' 106— his In id army, v. 2S — his purpose Of as- sailing the defences of Balaclava, 43, Reinforcements despatched to, vi. 2, 16 — his letter in cipher to the Governor of Warsaw, 17 — establishes his headquarters near the ruins at lid. ei man, 23, 29, 30, 31 note, 36— headquarters, 43, 73 — northern hall Of Mount liikeniian left in his power, B5, 87 note, 88, 160, 417 note, 420 — his stall' under distant nrtillery fire, 422, 435 note — his attempt to coun- termand the retreat, 441 — his alter- cation with Dannenberg, ib —the Russian retreat undertaken without