Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol. 9.djvu/387

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INDEX. 357 his being consulted, 462 — his demon- stration against Balaclava, 464— he declines to come out of Sebastopol and bury the Russian dead, 467 — atrocious acts of his soldiery, 469, 476, 492 — his weak hold of Sebastopol, vii. 399 note — desertion of Sebasto- pol, ii. 213, 423— orders attack of Eupatoria, viii. 49 — relieved of com- mand, 59, 110; ix. 22-> — his order to sink the men-of-war, 232, 233, 260, 261. Mentschikoff's negotiation, papers showing the causes which led to the rupture of, i 386. Menzies, Dr, vii. 134, 379, 479. Merivale, Herman, vii. 401). Mettemich, Prince, and the defence of the Saltan, i. 33, 356. Meynell, Lieutenant, ii. 210 et seq. Michael, Fort, iv. 48 et seq. Michael, Grand-Duke, vi. 32. Michael, Prince, iii. 17 note, 91 note, 115 note, 164 note, 201. Michel, Mr, iv. 72 note. Mikriakoff Farm, vi. 75, 83. Mikriakoff Glen, vi. 69, .103, 110, 112, 119, 125, 142, 159 etseq., 313 note, 430. Miller, Alexander, Adjutant of the Greys, v. 153— his powerful voice, ib. Miller, Lieutenant, v. 117, 314 note; vi. 122 — his artillerymen have a singular conflict with the Russians, 123, 124. Milne's, Captain, ceaseless endeavours to charter vessels, vii. 41, 406 note. Milner-Gibson, Mr, ix. 253. ' Minden yell,' the, vi. 302 and note. Minet, Captain, vi. 395. Mingrelia, ii. 243. Mining and counter- mining operations, ix. 271. Mining operations, skill of Todleben in, viii. 34, 361. Mining, science of, Todleben's skill in, viii. 34. Minor, Sergeant, vi. 242, 274, 279 note. 'Mission,' of Niel, first knowledge of, received by Lord Raglan, viii. 226 — paralysing effect of, 332 and note, 333. Mist, the, at Inkerman, vi. 4S4. Mitchell, Captain, iv. 3S6. ' Mitrail,' the, iv. 139. Mocquard, i. 249. Moldavia, i. 193; ii. 109, 216. Moldavia and Wallachia, protectorate by Russia over, viii. 324. Moller, Lieutenant-General, iv. 64 — commander of the land forces in Sebastopol, 101, 107, 124, 325, 332; vi. 19 et seq., 29 note, 40, 63, 86 note. Monck, iii. 210. Monet, General, vi. 51— at night attack on Sehnghinsk Redoubt, viii. 69, 365 —receives several wounds, 70 — visited by Lord Raglan, 72. Monsell, Mr, vii. 29. Montagu, Captain, viii. 99. Montagu, Lieutenant, iii. 157. Montalembert, i. 304. Montenegro, troubles in, i. 75 — Count Leiningen's Mission to the Porte, 76 — Czar's mission to the Porte, ib. — disappearance of the Montenegro question, 132; ii. 133. Monteynard's brigade, ix. 152, 150 note. Montgomery, Cornet, v. 150, 229, 236, 327. Mouto, Colonel, iv. 26 et seq. Morgan, vi. 95, 470. Morgan (Adj.), vi. 129, 141. Morgan (95th), vi. 36 note. Morgan, Hon. Godfrey Charles, v. 177 note, 229. Morgan, Lieutenant George, vi. 331. Morny, Count de ; i. 235 — a speculator rather than a politician, 23S — ap- pointed to the Home Office, 250, 255 et seq., 303 note ; ii. 175. Morris, vi. 279 note. Morris, Captain, v. 43, 54 — rebuffed by Lord Cardigan, 175 et seq., 213, 219 note, 220 — his left squadron con- fronted by Russian cavalry, 250 — his charge, 252 — wounded and taken prisoner, 254, 261 note, 2t>7 — the escape of, 321 — he sees the body of Nolan, 323— wounded, 327; vi. 170 note. Morris, Captain C, R.A., in action with his battery at Inkerman, vi. 471 — his discovery of Russians lying wounded, yet busiiy firing, ib. Morris, General, French Cavalry, v. 97, 190, 273 — his determination to sup- port Lord Cardigan, 274, 279. Mortar Batterv, fight at the, viii. 100 ; ix. 156, 196. Moscow, Bishop of, and the wooden image, iii. 117 note, 148. Moseley, Mr, vii. 453. Motterouge, General, viii. 210 ; ix. 19. Mount Hasford, v. 2S7. Mount Head, vi. 67 note, 69, 150, 181 et seq., 234, 257, 263 et seq., 296, 362. Mount Inkerman, v. 367 et seq. ; vi. 6 — the defence of, 7— expected attack on, 9, 2S et seq. — defensive works on, viii. 5, 359 — the redoubts on, ix. 98, 100 et seq. Mount Rodolph, iv. 246, 251, 2S5 et seq., 296, 299 note — signal shells sprung from, 300 — the lire from the bat- teries, 303, 309, 317 — French guns on, cease to fire, 320, 323 et seq. ; vi. 52 ; viii. 14. Mowbray, Captain, vi. 374. Mundy, vi. CO note. Mundy, Colonel, viii. 215 note, 216 note. Murdoch, Clinton, vii. 400. Murray, Lieutenant, ix. 169, 171 — he i» mortally wounded, ib. Murray, ix. 185.