Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/33

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CONTENTS. XXIX CHAPTER VII. rH« HURRICANE OF THE 14TH OF NOVKWfBR. I. The cyclone of the 14th of November U2 Lord Raglan's sense of the disaster, 146 His measures, . . • .145 Lasting etlect of the liurricane upon the condition of our troops, 146 CHAPTER VIII. THE SUFFERINGS OF THE ARMIES DURING THE WIN! ER. L Sufferings of the Russian army, 1 48 IL Sufferings of the Allied armies, 1 49 General characteristics of the winter of 1854-55, in the south- west of the Crimea, 150 And of the state of the ground on the Chersonese, . . .150 The evils inseparable from an attempt to winter the Allied armies on the Chersonese without due preparation, . .150 The calamity aggravated by 'avertible' evils, . . . 151 in. The sufferings and losses sustained by the French army, . 151 Shelter, 152 Warm clothing, 152 Sufferings from cold, 152 Want of fuel, 153 The horses of the Frencli perishing fast from cold and want of food, . . • . • • • • . 1 53 Their means for land-transport crippled, . . . .153 The food of the French army, . . . . • .15-3 The commanding advantages tho French derived from their numerical sti-ength, ........ 154 Still their suflerings and losses verj' great, .... 156 Difficulties obstructing fair comparison between the French and the English, 156