Page:The invasion of the Crimea Vol 7.djvu/34

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XXX CONTENTS. Chapter VI 1 1. — continued. The French medical statistics, ...... 156 Their defective state, ....... 157 The information, however incomplete, which those statistics convey, . . . . . . . . . .157 Maladies 'recording' the hardships endured by the French soldiers, .......... 160 Frost-bite, 160 Scurvy, ........... 160 The sutferings of the French troops caused in great measure by administrative failure, ....... 161 Extent to which the sufferings and losses of the French as a whole became masked from observers on the Chersonese, . 162 The transport of the French sick and wounded by sea, . . 163 Good state, at this time, of the French hospitals on the Bosphorus, 163 IV. 164 164 165 165 165 The sufferings of the English army, .... Grievous excess of work imposed upon them, . The failure of the land-transport power, .... Its effect in adding to the labours of our men, And in preventing them from receiving their supplies, . Effect of the hurricane upon the plan of having reserves o food in camp, ........ Deficiencies in the issue of supplies, .... The sailors camped on the Chersonese, .... Defective cookery, ....... Its effect on the health of the men, .... Impossibility of hauling up the timber for huts, The warm clothing, ....... Carcases of horses left above ground for want of hands to bury thcin, .......-• The extreme limit reached by Lord Raglan in exacting work from his troops, ........ Sufferings endured by our troops, . . . . • Sickness of our army, "Wie fortitude of our army, Lord Raglan at this period, ...... Nature of the complaints under which our army was suffering, 186 Removal of the sick, ......•■ 186 166 166 168 169 169 169 170 172 173 174 176 181 183