Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/42

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habits of proprietorship. And yet, provided there is a consistent proletarian policy, and the victorious proletariat deals relentlessly with the owners of the large estates and the landed peasants, the hesitations of the class in question will not be considerable, and cannot change the fact that on the whole this class will side with the proletarian revolution.

3. All the three groups of the agrarian population taken together constitute its majority in all capitalist countries. This guarantees in full the success of· the proletarian revolution, not only in the towns but in the country as well. The contrary view is very widely spread, but it holds only by a systematic cheating on the part of bourgeois science and statistics. They hush up by every means any mention of the deep chasm which divides the rural classes we have indicated and the exploiters, the landowners and capitalists, as well as the half proletarian and small peasants on one hand, and the landed peasants on the other. It holds further because of the incapacity and the failure of the heroes affiliated to the yellow Second International and the "labour aristocracy", demoralised by imperialistic privileges, to do genuine propaganda work for the benefit of the proletarian revolution, organizing work among the poor in the country. All the attention of the opportunists was given and is being given now to the arrangement of theoretical and practical agreements