Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/90

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The Communist International demands unconditionally and peremptorily that such rupture be realised with the least possible delay. The Communist International cannot reconcile itself with the fact that such acknowledged reformists as for instance Turatti, Modigliani and others should be entitled to consider themselves members of the Third International. This would make the Third International resemble the late Second International.

8. In the question of colonies and the oppressed nationalities an especially distinct and clear line of conduct of the parties of countries whose bourgeoisie possess such colonies or oppress other nationalities is necessary. Each party desirous of belonging to the Third International shall be bound to denounce without any mercy all the tricks of "its own" imperialists in the colonies, supporting not in words only, but in deeds, all liberation movements in the colonies. It must demand the expulsion of its own imperialists from such colonies, and cultivate in the hearts of the workmen of its own country a truly fraternal attitude towards the worker population of the colonies and oppressed nationalities, and carry on a systematic agitation in its own army against any oppression of the colonial population.

9. Every party desirous of belonging to the Communist International shall be bound to carry on a systematic and persistent Communist work in the labour unions, cooperatives and other