Page:Theses Presented to the Second World Congress of the Communist International (1920).pdf/89

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5. A systematic and regular propaganda in the rural districts is necessary. The working class cannot gain the victory without having at least part of the rural workers and the poorer peasants on its side, and without neutralising by its policy at least part of the other inhabitants of the country. Communist work in the rural districts is acquiring a primary importance in this epoch. It should be carried on through workmen—Communists—having connections in the country. To refuse to do this work or to transfer it to untrustworthy half-reformist hands is equal to desisting from the proletarian revolution.

6. Every party desirous of joining the Third International is bound to denounce not only open social patriotism, but also the falsehood and hypocrisy of social-pacifism: it must systematically demonstrate to the workmen that without a revolutionary overthrow of capitalism no international arbitration, no talk of disarmament, no democratic reorganization of the League of Nations will be able to save mankind from new imperialist wars.

7. Parties desirous of Joining the Communist International shall be bound to recognise the necessity of a complete and absolute rupture with reformism and the policy of the centrists, and to propagate this rupture among the widest circles of members of the Party. Without this condition a consecutive Communist policy is impossible.