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I. Novel farewell Presents. 1
II. A Year in Darjeeling. 11
III. A foretaste of Tibetan barbarism. 15
IV. Laying a false scent. 21
V. Journey to Nepāl. 25
VI. I befriend Beggars. 35
VII. The Sublime Himālaya. 40
VIII. Dangers ahead. 44
IX. Beautiful Tsarang and Dirty Tsarangese. 51
X. Fame and Temptation. 60
XI. Tibet at Last. 69
XII. The World of Snow. 77
XIII. A kind old Dame. 81
XIV. A holy Cave-Dweller. 86
XV. In helpless Plight. 90
XVI. A Foretaste of distressing Experiences. 96
XVII. Beautiful Tsarang and Dirty Tsarangese. 99
XVIII. A Beautiful Rescuer. 104
XIX. The Lighter Side of the Experiences. 108
XX. Dangers begin in Earnest. 112
XXI. Overtaken by a Sand-Storm. 116
XXII. 22,650 Feet above Sea-level. 123
XXIII. I survive a Sleep in the Snow. 127
XXIV. 'Bon' and 'Kyang' 131
XXV. The Power of Buddhism. 135
XXVI. Sacred Mānasarovara and its Legends. 139
XXVII. Bartering in Tibet. 144
XXVIII. A Himalayan Romance. 150
XXIX. On the Road to Nature's Grand Maṇdala. 162
XXX. Wonders of Nature's Maṇdala. 167
XXXI. An Ominous Outlook. 178