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XXXII. A Cheerless Prospect. 187
XXXIII. At Death's Door. 191
XXXIV. The Saint of the White Cave revisited. 204
XXXV. Some easier Days. 211
XXXVI. War Against Suspicion. 218
XXXVII. Across the Steppes. 227
XXXVIII. Holy Texts in a Slaughter-house. 233
XXXIX. The Third Metropolis of Tibet. 236
XL. The Sakya Monastery. 241
XLI. Shigatze. 249
XLII. A Supposed Miracle. 257
XLIII. Manners and Customs. 264
XLIV. On to Lhasa. 280
XLV. Arrival in Lhasa. 285
XLVI. The Warrior-Priests of Sera. 291
XLVII. Tibet and North China. 297
XLVIII. Admission into Sera College. 304
XLIX. Meeting with the Incarnate Bodhisattva. 311
L. Life in the Sera Monastery. 323
LI. My Tibetan Friends and Benefactors. 329
LII. Japan in Lhasa. 335
LIII. Scholastic Aspirants. 345
LIV. Tibetan Weddings and Wedded Life. 351
LV. Wedding Ceremonies. 362
LVI. Tibetan Punishments. 374
LVII. A grim Funeral and grimmer Medicine. 388
LVIII. Foreign Explorers and the Policy of Seclusion. 397
LIX. A Metropolis of Filth. 407
LX. Lamaism. 410
LXI. The Tibetan Hierarchy. 417
LXII. The Government. 428
LXIII. Education and Castes. 435
LXIV. Tibetan Trade and Industry. 447
LXV. Currency and Printing-blocks. 461
LXVI. The Festival of Lights. 467