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Men, women and children,—yea, even the beasts will fly from drug-medication, and defend the glorious and successful hygienic agencies, when they become thoroughly enlightened and indoctrinated into this true "Healing Science."

We are here to defend our rights,—the rights of human nature, and to promulgate the sublime and scientific truthfulness of the highest of arts,—the Art of Living and the true Science of Cure. That science which concerns all living souls; yea, we deem it the sublimest, the loftiest, the holiest and the most adorable of all sciences combined!

Think on it for a moment—just for a moment,—the true art of preserving body and soul, and the never failing science of cure! Oh! what a glorious achievement; what a Moral, aye, a Religious duty, to grasp and practice such God-sent injunctions and blessings! Fly, then, from the nefarious practice of drug-medication, and from all false hygienic, physiological and pathological dogmatisms! Spurn bigotry, prejudice, ignorance and sectarian monopoly, and cling with iron tenacity to Nature's irrefragable and sublime laws!

However, it cannot be expected at this age, that mankind will live in accordance with sound physiological rules. First, because the generality of persons do not comprehend, nor care to learn, these laws; and secondly, because there are so many morbid and unphysiological inducements and plans of deception held out to lure the innocent into the gilded walks of vice and folly, that we truly feel heart-sickened as we glance at things in general! But, notwithstanding all these obstacles, mankind should learn to comprehend that the way to health and happiness "is a way of Pleasantness, and its Path Peace." Since nature's laws are daily transgressed, either, ignorantly, wilfully, or accidentally, it must be borne in mind that mankind must suffer the penalties in acute and chronic sickness. This being the fate of mortal man, we would earnestly urge every rational being to bear in remembrance that the only true and scientific method for curing all diseases consists in supplying hygienic influences; washing away impurities, which have accumulated in the organic domain, and clogged the most minute vascular structure, by the only physiological solvent, diluent and detergent in existence, pure "hot" water. And by reducing febrile or increased abnormal temperature, by pure "cold" water, ventilation, quietus, patience and holy faith! By a skilful management in this manner all is done that can be done, to aid nature, and your astonishment at its successful result, will be as pleasing as it is surprising, and you will be as much amazed as old foggies were at the invention of the Telegraph.

In health or disease, poisons, drugs or medicines are as little needed by those Physicians, or persons who understand the proper uses of the hygienic agencies; as does the skilful Telegraphic operator require the use of the mail to carry his dispatches. However, should this operator have no knowledge of the Telegraph, he would be compelled to be satisfied with the P. O. arrangements. And should he not have the use of the mail, he would be forced to carry his own messages, and should he have neither horse nor public conveyance, he might console himself by using his own organs of locomotion. Precisely so with medicines. Should we not know how to cure "human ills" without the use of these precarious and deleterious agencies, we would as a natural consequence administer them