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as well as our uninitiated fellow-physicians. Still, ignorance of a normal "Curative Science" would be no proof that this science did not exist, or that it was useless or false.

As we have a plentiful supply of true, scientific, physiological, congenial, harmless and never-failing agencies outside of the Medical or drug dispensary, we thank our stars for the knowledge and privilege of using them to so much better advantage.

Truly, Pure Water alone, can be applied to fulfil two of the most essential indications in disease, which all the remedies in the whole medicinal pharmacopeia cannot fulfil.

By a judicious application of steam and hot-water we can relax any part of the system interiorly or exteriorly, and hence wash away extraneous materials. This remedy never fails to effect its indication; that is, if we place hot water into a living organism, or an organism into hot water, the result of heating is always certain. And by the skilful administration of cold water—even ice, we can moderate the action of any part of the living system, and we are never deceived in the cooling phenomena.

Think for a moment, then, what a useful agent water is, when judiciously used, both in the preservation of health, and restoration from disease.

Medical men often speak of the insufficiency of our treatment in urgent cases of sickness. They certainly never could expose more ignorance than by such assertions. There is no agent in the universe half as powerful and effectual as water. It is the medium of intercourse between Nation and Nation. By Land it rolls the gigantic "Iron Horse" from the rivers to the ends of the earth, and by Sea it quietly speeds over its beautiful bosom the majestical palace, which carries thousands from shore to shore. In the normal conditions of man, more than two-thirds of the entire bulk of the system is pure water, in disease this water in the system becomes as it were dirty or stagnant, and needs purifying.

Water in its various temperatures can be made to increase or decrease action and temperature of the body to any extent desired, and thereby fulfil that grand indication, which is considered universally by all Physicians the greatest, and most indispensable of all indications. It is to equalize the circulation of the vital fluid—the blood

In addition to water as a restorative agency, we claim Electricity, in its various forms, as a physiologically healing adjunct. Also the celebrated "Movement-cure," and a multiplicity of congenial remedies which leave us no occasion even to dream of that should be obsolete, and certainly, pernicious and precarious method most judiciously denominated "poison practice."

In conclusion, Ladies and Gentlemen, allow us to draw your attention to the subject in view; that is, "Who are the Quacks?" The term "quackery" bears no significance when applied to a purely scientific "Water, Electric and Hygienic practice." Because, "quackery" has been derived from 'quack-silver," or more commonly speaking "quick-silver," which was introduced by the ancients as a healing agency.

Various kinds of "quacks," however, exist among all professions, and particularly among such as are based upon false fundamental, or non-scientific principles, as is the Medical Profession. The advocates of the latter do not only acknowledge the precariousness, or