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"life." Oh! most precious boon, gift of adornable Nature! Heavenly power, how exquisitely magnificent Thou hast made mortal man—yea, Thou hast equally implanted sublime faculties of perception and reflection in his nature! But, alas! how imbecile, inhuman, ignorant, stupid and barbarous do we prove ourselves, by the care we bestow upon these most divine gifts! We too often despise and trample under foot those blessings—those things which would minister most to our real wants and true and celestial happiness. It appears the people are not sufficiently ripe yet, and likely never will be, to appreciate and comprehend the munificent powers and gifts which surround us! Money and prejudice rules and controls its thousands, nay, its millions! And "true worth" and genuine talent is slightly valued, in comparison with the artful and deceptive methods of life.

We therefore plead for charity and benevolence, for sympathy and thoughtfulness in behalf of this cause, human redemption and preservation! In behalf of the glorious tidings of an unperverted and unadulterated instinct; for the health of mankind, for their souls salvation, for all the magnanimous inherent powers of the normally Physiological man and woman! Indeed words cannot express the joyousness and the glory which would bind mankind together in harmonious unition! Verily, the Angels would shout Hosanna! while beholding a truly charitable, noble-minded and unbiassed knowledge-seeking people!

But, alas! alas! bigotry, tyranny and preposterous dogmatism claims the respect of this enlightened people, and truly we may say, that the masses of mankind are on the broad way to destruction, without reflective or thoughtful apprehensions of evil consequences.

Friends of freedom. Friends of free, noble America, we most earnestly implore you to join us in this glorious, self-purifying, self-preserving and self-elevating cause! Do not, we pray you, spurn our motives, but aid. Oh! for God's sake, for your own sake, for the sake of your children and grand children, aid in the promotion of human health and happiness!

We can truly assert that we have been faithful, industrious, pleading, planning, contriving and arduous laborers in this glorious reform for more than a dozen years. We have sought the aid and sympathies of the people at large. We have implored the Ministers of the Gospel. We have urged it upon the Medical Profession to reform and teach sound doctrines. We have studied Theology for the sole purpose of its dissemination from the Pulpit, indeed we have done everything in our power to further its usefulness! But, alas! what have we received in return' From Physicians, we have received angry words and sour looks. From the Clergy, we have received contempt, and too often scornful denounciations. From Bigots and Sectarianists we have received the uttermost scorns, scoffs and rankest abuse and curses. But, thank God, from the noble and liberal-minded Philanthropist we have received sympathy, aid, encouragement and congenial acceptance! God bless the Philanthropist! and let us have a greater abundance of them.

Since we have found our avocation gigantically repulsed by the majority of those persons who claim to control the higher classes of society, as well as by the ignorant and biassed, we are compelled to speak bluntly and plainly to all, regardless of worldly praise, or favors from that class who can only be reached through money, hypocracy and deception.