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We have children whom we love! Their future is near and dear to us! They may have children who will be none the less dear to them! And since we are convinced that the true doctrines of the "laws of life" are the great substratum upon which we can alone insure health, happiness and genuine wealth to our children and grand children, we do most energetically urge this cause upon all thinking humanity.

May the heavens then speak to you in persuasive entreaty and counsel. May the Sun, Moon and Stars bear testimony to the immutability and sublimity of this subject! May all the beauties of Nature unfold themselves before the the vision of untaught eyes! May every hard-hearted sinner receive this glorious light! May the Angels swell the souls of humanity and press them onward toward the good time coming! May the rich, the poor, the sick, the healthy, the liberal, the biassed, the physicians, the ministers, the saints—yea, may all join in harmonious recognition of Nature's laws, and bid peaceable unition to all mankind: and compel the heart to yield its treasures of love! Then will unity, peace, health, happiness, religion, wisdom, virtue, truth, nobility and godliness reign supreme, and shed their glorious light throughout the world, and the Millennium be established indeed!

Thus do we commend our loftiest ideal and conception of good for humanity's sake!