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Who expels demons?

17. That it micht come to pass what Esaiah spak, whan he said:

18. "Tent ye, my Servant, my Chosen, my Beloved! My saul is weel-pleased in him. I wull lay my Spirit on him. and he sal schaw true judgment. to the nations.

l9. "He sal mak nae tulzie, nor cryin; and nae man sal hear his voice i' the streets.

20. "A dentit reed he braks-na, and the ill-luntit tow he staps-na, till true judgment he sends on to victory.

21. And on his name sal the nations lippen." .

22. Than was brocht till him ane posess'd wi' a demon, blin' and dumb: and he heal'd him, sae that the dumb man spak and lookit.

23. And a' the folk war astonish't: and quo’ they, “Is this no Dauvid's Son?"

24. But whan the Pharisees heard that, quo' they, "This ane casts—na oot demons but throwe Beelzebul, the prince o; the demons!"

25. But, kennin their thochts, he said to them, "Ilka Kingdom workin again itsel is brocht to waste; and ilka citie or hoose workin again itsel canna staun?

26. "And gin Sautan cast oot Santan, he is workin again himsel; hoo than wull he mak his kingdom staun?

27. "And gin I throwe Beelzebul cast oot demons, wha casts them oot by yere ain sons? Sae they sal e'en be ere ud es.

28. "But gin I by the Spirit 0' God hae cuisten them oot, that the pooer 0' God has come on ye!

29. "Or, hoo sal ane come intil a strang man's bauld, and poind his gear, gin he divna first shackle doon the strang man, and than herrie his hoose?

30. "He wha is isna wi' me is again me; and wha gaithers-na wi' me, skails abreid.

31. "Sae, say I t'ye, Ilka sin and blasphemie sal be forgi'en to men; but the blasphemin o’ the Spirit sanna be forgi'en.

32. "And wha sal speak a word again the Son 0' Man, it sal be forgi'en till him; but wha sal speak again the Holie Spirit, it sanna be forgi'en him, naither i' this warld, nor in that to come!

33. "Mak aither gude the tree and gude the frute; or els mak ill the tree and ill the frute; for the tree is kent by its frnte.

34. "Ye spawn o' vipers! hoo are ye, bein ill, to speak gude things I for o' the overcome o' the heart the mou' wull speak.

35. "A gude man, oot o' the gude treasur, feshes forth gude things, and an ill man, oot 0' the ill plenishin, feshes forth ill things.

36. "And I say t'ye, Ilka lowse word that men sal say, they sal gie accoont o't at the Day 0' Judgment!

37. "For by yere words sal ye be acceptit, and by yere words sal ye be hauden guilty."

38. Than some 0' the Writers and Pharisees answer't, sayin, "Maister, we wad see a token frae thee!"

39. But he answer't to them. "An ill-doin and adulterous race seek for a token; and nae token sal be gien till't, but the token o' Jonah the prophet.

40. "For as Jonah was thrie days and thrie nichts i' the wame o' the sea-monster, sae sal the Son 0' Man he i' the heart 0' the yirth thrie days and thrie nichts.

41. "The folk 0' Nineveh sal rise in judgment wi' this race, and condemn it; for they turned at Jonah’s preachin; and mark! Ane greater nor Jonah is here!

42. "The Queen 0' the Sooth-land: sal rise up i' the Judgment wi' this race, and condemn it; for she airtit hersel frae the ends 0' the yirth to hear Solomon's wisdom; and tent ye? Ane greater than Solomon is here!

43. "But the foul spirit, whan it