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The sawer.
The seed.

has gane free the man, gangs oot throws drouthie pairts. seekin rest, and fin'in nane:

44. "'Than,' quo' he, 'I'se e'en awa back till my sin hoose. whaur I cam frae !' And whan he comes, he finds it toom. soopit oot, and buskit braw.

45. "Than gangs awa he, and takin wi' him seeven mair, waur nor himsel, enters in and hides than and that man’s last state is[1] waur nor the first. Sae sal it be wi' this ill-doin race!"

46. And whan he was e'en-noo speakin to the folk, see! his mither and his brithers studs oot-by, seekin to speak wi' him.

47. And ane says till him, "See! thy mither and brithers, staunin' oot-by, seekin to speak wi' thee!"

48. But quo’ he till him wha tel't him, "Wha is a mither to me? and wha are brithers 0' mine?

49. And raxin oot his hauns toward his disciples, he says: "See ye my mither and brithers!

50. "For wha sal do the wull 0' my Faither Aboon, he is my brither, and sister, and mither!"


ON that vera day gaed Jesus oot o' the hoose, and sat doon by the side 0' the Loch.

2. And great gaitherins o' folk cam thegither till him, sae that he gaed intil a boat. and sat doon; and the bail o' the folk stude on the shore.

3. And he spak mony things to them in parables; and quo' he: "Tak tent: The sawer gaed oot to saw.

4. "And in his sawin, a neiffu' was mis-cuisten on the fit-path, and eaten up wi' the birdies.

5. "Some fell on the staney bits, whaur the yird was jimp; and it brairdit bonnie, for the mool was thin.

6. "And when the sun raise heigh, it birsl't up; and, for that it had use rate, it dwined awa.

7. "And some fell whaur thorns had been; and up cam the thorns, and smoored it.

8. "And some fell on the gude grun', and brocht forth frute—this a hunner, that saxty, and the ither thretty.

9. "Wha has lugs for hesrin, lat him hear!"

10. And, drawin nar, his disciples say, "Why soud ye speak to them in parables?"

11. And he answe'’t them, "It is, that till you it has been gien to ken o' the things 0' the Heevenlie Kingdom: but to them it isna sae gien.

12. "For wha has, to him sal be gien, and he sal hae rowth o't; but wha hasna, frae him sal be taen awa e'en what he has!

13. "Sae, speak I to them by parables: for they, seein, are blin'; and they, hearin, are deif; naither div they ken.

14. "And wi' them is brocht to pass the prophecy o' Esaiah, whilk says: 'Wi' hearin ye sal hear, and in naegate understaun; and seein ye sal see and in naegate perceive.

15. "'For this people': heart is gross, and their lugs are dull 0' hearin', and their een has they steekit; least they soud see wi' their een, and hear wi' their lugs, and understaun wi' their heart, and turn again and I soud heal them!'

16. "But fair fa' yere een, that they see! and yere lugs, that they hear!

17. "For truly say I t'ye, that a hantle o' prophets and holie men war fain to see the things ye see, and saw them-na; and to hear the things ye hear, and heard them—na!

  1. V. 45. Ca' oot the ill spirit! but dinna sto thar: welcome the Holie Spirit within! A toom hoose is the gangrel's invitation: and a reformation that ends short o' bein born again, lea’s ane waur nor before!