Page:Wonderful and most astonishing account of Alexander Libanus.pdf/7

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find, and put them into a coffin. His burial-day is not altogether to be passed by in this place, so extraordinary were the events that happened. Most awful was the thunder and lightning which did ensue; so that the people thought they would have been obliged to leave him unburied. And besides the thunder and lightning, the devil appeared in many extraordinary shapes; sometimes in the shape of a large fox; sometimes the weight upon the coffin was so great, that they were obliged to set it down: at other times it was so light, that it was with difficulty they could stop it from flying in the air. At last one of them came down with amazing rapidity upon the coffin, at which the people were so affrighted, that they let the dead corpse fall upon the ground, and ran off with great haste; the corpse falling, the coffin was broken to pieces. Several persons were so affrighted, that they never had the use of their reason afterwards. Others cried that the devil was not content with Alexander Libanus, but that he would take the whole world too. His relations prepared another coffin for him, for the other was so shattered that it could not carry the corpse to the church-yard; after having