Page:Wonderful and most astonishing account of Alexander Libanus.pdf/8

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put the dead person into the coffin again, there was a great number of people gathered from all quarters, hearing of the extraordinary event that formerly happened before. But although there was so vast a number of people at the place, yet there were very few who would venture to assist in carrying off the corpse for fear, least something extraordinary might happen, which indeed came to pass, for no sooner had they lifted the corpse than it began to thunder dreadfully, that the people thought the earth would rend, and swallow them up alive. Prodigious yellings were also heard in the air, and so extraordinary was the lightning, that vast numbers of people had their hair singed with it. However the people, in great confusion and terror, were still going forward to the burying-place. When they were advanced within half a mile of the place, the devil came flying in the likeness of a huge lion, roaring tremendously, and flying with vast rapidity, he snatched up the coffin, and he was never more heard of. Now I shall end Alexander Libanus.