Proceedings of the Convention of the Equal Rights and Educational Association of Georgia (1866)/Part 5



We, the friends of impartial justice in Georgia, in Convention assembled, feeling that the time has come when we should unite to advance the cause we advocate, do form ourselves into an Association, for the purpose, among other things, of assisting the destitute and improving those who need our assistance. Our motto shall be, 'Peace and Good Will to All Men.' The object of the Association shall be to establish schools and labor to secure for every citizen, without regard to race, descent or color, equal political rights. To secure this object we will labor peaceably, but earnestly.

ART. I—name—This Association shall be known as The Georgia Equal Rights and Educational Association.

ART. II—officers—The officers of this Association shall be a President, one Vice President from each county, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Chaplain, Treasurer, Superintendent of Schools, and such committees as the Association shall elect.

ART. III—election of office—The officers chosen by this Association shall be elected by ballot at the regular meeting in October, and remain in office three years, providing, however, that the "first election shall take place in January 1866, and the second in October 1868. All officers are to continue in office until their places are filled. Vacancies may be filled at any of the regular meetings.

Each county shall elect the Vice President to which it is entitled.

It shall be the duty of the President, or of a Deputy President, to superintend the election in each county.

The President shall commission the Vice Presidents who have been duly elected.

ART. IV—duties of officers— Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and Council.

He shall appoint all committees who are not elected by the Association or Council.

He shall appoint as many Deputy Presidents as he may deem necessary who shall perform such duties, not in conflict with the provisions of this Constitution, as the President may direct.

He shall have power to appoint officers to fill all vacancies that may arise and appoint Vice Presidents in counties where none have been elected until an election shall be held.

He shall establish an office and give his personal attention to all matters, that may advance the interest of the Association or the cause which it advocates.

He shall nominate to the Council such officers as they are authorized to elect, and if a person nominated shall be rejected by the Council, it shall be his duty to nominate another person, and continue to nominate until a choice is made.

It shall be his duty to see that all officers of this Association faithfully perform the duties assigned them, and, for bad conduct, he may suspend an officer, providing two-thirds of the Council concur therein.

Whenever he shall think proper to suspend an officer he shall immediately order the officer to deliver to him all books, papers or other property, belonging to the Association, and shall, as soon as practicable, call a meeting of the Council, and if two-thirds of the Council approve of the action of the President, the officer shall be suspended until the next meeting of the Association.

He shall fill the vacancy until the Council have decided the matter.

He shall sign orders for the Treasurer to pay money, voted by the Council or the State Association and none others, unless specially authorized to do so by the Council or State Association.

He shall call a meeting of the Council, whenever, in bis opinion, the good of the cause demands, and shall transact any business, not in conflict with the constitution, which he shall be instructed by the State Association or the council to transact, or that he may consider necessary for the good of the cause.

2. It shall be the duty of one of the Vice Presidents, designated by the Council, when the State Association is not in session, to perform the duties of the President, when, for any cause, ho is unable to perform them. And if a vacancy arises when the Council is not in session, the President may designate one of the Vice Presidents to perform his duties.

Each Vice President shall be President of the County Association if there be one in the county in which he lives, during the time he remains Vice President, and shall labor to promote the interests of the Association in his county.

3. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep a correct and impartial record of all the proceedings of the Association, and, to attend to any business that the Association may direct.

4. The Corresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of the Association and Council, under the direction of the President.

5. The Chaplain shall open all the meetings of the Association with prayer.

6. The Treasurer shall be elected by the Council, and may be removed by the same, upon the recommendation of the President, whenever, in his opinion, the Treasurer shall not faithfully perform his duties.

He shall have charge of all money or other property, belonging to the Association, and shall give to the President a bond in such sum as the Council may require for the faithful discharge of his duties.

He shall pay out no money except upon order, approved by the President and signed by the Secretary of the Council.

He shall invest the money in his hands in such a manner as the Council may direct.

ART. V—members—The members of this Association shall be elected annually by the Subordinate Associations.

Each Subordinate Association shall be entitled to one representative, and one for each three hundred members or for a fraction over half that number.

The members of the Convention which form this Constitution; on and the officers elect of the Association shall be honorary members. of the same and shall remain permanent members and be entitled to all the rights and privileges of other members.

The members shall be elected at the first regular meeting in September. In case of a vacancy, a representative shall be elected as soon as practicable to fill the unexpired term of such member.

No person shall be a member of this Association under the age of twenty-one years.

ART. VI—council— Sec. 1. The President and Vice President shall constitute a council to attend to such business as is delegated to them by this Constitution or which the State Association may instruct them to perform.

They shall elect annually a delegate to congress, (until the right of suffrage shall be given to all men without regard to race or color), who shall be nominated by the President.

If they shall not elect the person nominated by the President, they shall continue to ballot for a person nominated by him, until a choice is made.

The delegate to Congress will be elected in October. In case of a vacancy, a delegate shall be elected as soon as practicable, to fill the same.

The Council shall be called together by the President whenever, in his opinion, this is necessary, and shall be empowered to transact any business not in conflict with the Constitution.

They shall decide what compensation each officer shall receive.

When an officer has been suspended by the Council, they shall fill the vacancy until the State Association shall take action in regard to it.

They shall elect a Secretary who shall act as private Secretary to the President, and perform such duties as the Council or President may direct.

The Secretary of the Council shall remain in office one year, and shall be elected annually in October.

The Council may, by a two-thirds vote, suspend the President whenever he shall violate this Constitution, in which case, they shall immediately call a meeting of the State Association, and, if two thirds of the Association approved of the action of the Council, the President shall be expelled from office, and they shall also suspend any other officer for a violation of the Constitution, neglect of duty or gross immorality.

A majority of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

ART. VII—Sec. 1. The State Association shall meet annually, in the month of October.

The time and place for holding the session shall be fixed by the President unless the Association or Council shall attend to that duty.

The President or Council may call an extra meeting of the Association when they consider it necessary.

ART. VIII—by-laws—This Association may make any By Laws not inconsistent with the Constitution. ART. IXcounty and subordinate associations—This Association may organize County and Subordinate Associations, at such place and under such regulations as it may deem proper.

ART. Xconstitution—This Constitution may be altered or amended at any regular meeting of this Association by a two-thirds vote providing that notice shall be given in writing, by the member submitting an amendment, at least 24 hours before action shall be taken.