Proceedings of the Convention of the Equal Rights and Educational Association of Georgia (1866)/Part 6



We, the friends of impartial jestice, believing that in union there is strength, do organize ourselves into an Association to secure for all: 1st, equal political rights; 2d, assistance for the destitute; and 3d, the education and elevation of the people.

ART. Ithe name—The name of this Association shall be the County Equal Rights and Educational Association.

ART. IIofficers—The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Chaplain, an Examining Committee of Five, and a Financial Committee of Six.

ART. III—The President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chaplain shall be elected by ballot annually, at the first meeting in January. All the committees shall be appointed by the President on the night of his election, or as soon after as may be practicable. All officers are to continue until their places are filled. Vacancies may be filled at any of the regular meetings.

ART. IVduties of officers— Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings; to call an extra meeting whenever he may deem it advisable, or upon the request of five members, to initiate new members, and to perform all duties that may devolve upon him by the Constitution and By-Laws.

2. It shall be the duty of the Vice President, in the absence of the President to perform his duties.

3. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a true and impartial record of the doings of the Association, and in the absence of the President and Vice President to call extra meetings of the Association by the request of five members, and attend to such other duties as the Association may direct.

4. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to take charge of and safely keep all monies and other property entrusted to him by the Association, and pay out the same only upon a requisition drawn according to a vote of the Association, and signed by the President and Secretary. He shall report once a quarter, and as much oftener as the society may direct. He shall give the President a bond in such sum as the Association may require for the faithful performance of his duties.

5. The Chaplain shall open all the meetings with prayer.

6. The Executive Committee shall faithfully attend to all duties imposed on them from time to time making a report when called upon.

7. It shall be the duty of the Examining Committee carefully to examine all propositions for membership to the Association and when received by a constitutional vote, to examine the candidate before initiated, and report to the President upon the same.

8. It shall be the duty of the Financial Committee to make all necessary arrangements for furnishing the Association with needed funds, and to perform such other duties as the society may require of them.

ART. Vmembers— Sec. 1. All persons who are members of the State Association from this county shall be members of the County Association, having all the privileges of other members except the privilege to vote.

4. The President and Vice President of each Subordinate Association in this county, and Representatives constitutionally elected from the same shall be members of the County Association.

ART. VI.—If there is but one Association in a county it shall have the powers, and perform the duties conferred upon the County and Subordinate Associations.

ART. VIIby-laws—This Association is authorized to make any By Laws not in conflict with the state Association.

ART. VIII—The meetings of this Association may be public or private.

ART. IX—The members of one County Association shall have the privilege of attending meetings of all County Associations.