The Ballads of Marko Kraljević (1922)
by unknown author, translated by D. H. Low
Unknown4193718The Ballads of Marko Kraljević — Bibliography1922D. H. Low


Alberto Fortis. Saggio d'Osservazioni sopra l'isola di Cherso ed Osero. (Venice, 1771.)
—— Viaggio in Dalmazia. 2 vols. (Venice, 1774.)
—— Travels into Dalmatia. (London, 1778.)
—— Die Sitten der Morlacken. (Bern, 1775.)
—— Abbate Alberto Fortis Reise in Dalmatien. (Bern, 1776.)
—— Voyage en Dalmatie. (Berne, 1788.)
Andrija Kačić Miošić. Razgovor ugodni naroda slovinskoga. (First known edition published at Venice, 1756.)
J. F. Herder. Ein Gesang von Milos Cobilich und Vuko Brankovich. Morlakisch. ("Volkslieder," Erster Teil. Leipzig, 1778.)
—— Radoslaus. Eine Morlakische Geschichte.
—— Die schöne Dolmetscherin. Eine Morlakische Geschichte. ("Volkslieder," Zweiter Teil. Leipzig, 1779.)

These three translations of Herder's are to be found in vol. xxv of the "Sämtliche Werke."

J. W. v. Goethe. Klaggesang von der edlen Frauen des Asan Aga…Aus dem Morlackischen. (First published in Herder's "Volkslieder" in 1778.) Vol. i. pp. 151-153 of the Cotta edition.
—— Über Kunst und Alterthum, vols. v and vi, 1825, 1827. (Here are essays and reviews dealing with the Serbian folk-song. All are to be found in vol. xxix of Hempel's edition.)
Vuk Stefanović Karadžić. Mala prostonarodnja slavenoserbska pjesnarića. Izdana Vukom Stefanovićem. (Vienna Narodna srbska pjesnarica. Cast utora. Vienna, 1815.)
—— Narodne srpske pjesme. Skupio i na svijet izdao Vuk Stef. Karadžić. Knjiga prva, u kojoj su različne ženske pjesme. (Leipzig: Breitkopf u. Härtel, 1825.)
—— Narodne srpske pjesme, vol. ii (Leipzig, 1823); vol. iii (Leipzig, 1823); vol. iv (Vienna, 1823).

A new and very greatly enlarged edition was published in Vienna between the years 1841-1862. This was followed by the Belgrade edition which was begun in 1887 and completed in 1896. Vol. ii, containing the Marko cycle and many other epic ballads, has been reprinted several times.

—— Grammar of the Serbian tongue. (Pismenica serbskoga jezika. Vienna, 1814.)

Jacob Grimm wrote a German translation of this Grammar. (Leipzig and Berlin, 1824.) He contributed also an admirable "Vorrede" which is reprinted in the "Kleinere Schriften," vol. viii. pp. 96-129.

Vuk Stefanovic Karadžić. Srpski Rječnik—Lexicon serbico-germanico-latinum. (Vienna, 1818.) My own copy is the Belgrade edition, 1898. It is a treasure-house of information and an indispensable aid to the student.
—— Srpske Narodne Pripovijetke. (Belgrade, 1897.)
—— Život i običaji naroda srpskoga. (Wien, 1867.)
Jacob Grimm. Translations of nineteen Serbian songs in Förster's "Sängerfahrt." (Berlin, 1818.) Reprinted in the "Kleinere Schriften," iv. pp. 455-467.
—— Translation of the epic poem "Erbschaftsteilung" in "Kunst und Alterthum," iv. (1824). Reprinted in "Kleinere Schriften," i. p. 410.
—— Die Aufbauung Scutaris. Grimm made two translations of this poem, the first unmetrical, the second metrical. "Kleinere Schriften," vii. pp. 544-555. Particularly useful is the "Vorrede" to Grimm's German version of Vuk's "Grammar" (1824). Reprinted in "Kleinere Schriften," viii. pp. 96-129.
Talvj (Therese Albertine Luise von Jacob. Afterwards Mrs Robinson). Volkslieder der Serben. 2 vols. (Halle, 1825 and 1826.) 2nd edition unchanged. (Halle and Leipzig, 1835.) New edition revised and enlarged. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1853.)
—— Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations: with a sketch of their popular poetry, by Talvj. With a preface by Edward Robinson, D.D., LL.D., author of "Biblical Researches in Palestine," etc. (New York: George P. Putnam, 1850.)
E. Eugen Wesely. Serbische Hochzeitslieder. (Pest, 1826.)
Westminster Review, vol. vi. 1826. Narodne Srpske Pjesme, 1823-4. Popular Servian Songs, collected and published by Vuk Stephanovich Karatzich. (Leipzig, 3 vols. 8vo.)
John Bowring. Servian Popular Poetry. (London, 1827.)
Wilhelm Gerhard. Wila: Serbische Volkslieder und Heldenmärchen. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1828.) A second edition of this work was published at Leipzig in 1877, under the title of "Wilhelm Gerhards Gesänge der Serben."
Johann Nepomuk Vogl. Marko Kraljevits—Serbische Heldensage. (Vienna, 1851.)
Siegfried Kapper. Südslavische Wanderungen. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1851.) The 1st vol. contains a sketch of our hero—"Marko, der Königssohn. Eine Gestalt aus den serbischen Heldengesängen."
—— Die Gesänge der Serben. 2 vols. (Leipzig, 1852.)
Ludwig August Frankl. Gusle, Serbische Nationallieder. (Vienna, 1852.)
Leopold v. Ranke. History of Servia, pp. 47-56. A brief statement of the significance of the national poetry. Marko receives special attention. (English edition, Bohn, 1853.)
Owen Meredith. Serbski Pesme or National Songs of Servia. (London: Chapman and Hall, 1861.)
Carl Gröber. Der Königssohn Marko. (Vienna: Alfred Holder, 1883.) This book contains thirty-one ballads of which sixteen are to be found in Vuk.
Archiv für slavische Philologie:
Prof. V. Jagić. "Kraljević Marko kurz skizziert nach der serbischen Volksdichtung," v. pp. 439-455.
—— "Die südslavische Volksepik vor Jahrhunderten," iv. p. 192 f.
Stojan Novaković. "Ein Beitrag zur Literatur der serbischen Volkspoesie," iii. p. 640 ff.
A. Soerensen. "Beitrag zur Geschichte der Entwickelung der serbischen Heldendichtung," xiv, xv, xvi, xvii and xx. Continued as a separate publication under title of "Entstehung der kurzzeiligen serbo-kroatischen Liederdichtung in Küstenlande." (Weidmann, 1895.)
Gjorgje Popović. Turski i drugi istočanska reči u našem jeziku. (Belgrade, 1884.)
F. Miklošić. Die Türkischen Elemente in den Südost- und Osteuropäischen Sprachen. (Wien, 1888,)
M. G. Khalanski. Kraljević Marko. (In two parts. Warsaw, 1893-1894.)
Auguste Dozon. Poésies populaires serbes. (Paris, 1859.)
—— L'épopée serbe—chants populaires héroïques. (Paris, 1888.)
Louis Leger. La mythologie slave. (Paris, 1901.)
—— Le cycle épique de Marko Kraljević. (Journal des Savants. Paris, 1905.)
—— Le rénovateur de la littérature serbe: Vouk Stefanovitch Karadjitch. (Bibliothèque Universelle et Revue Suisse. Lausanne, 1921.)
Madame E. L. Mijatovich. Serbian Folk-Lore. Introduction by Rev. W. Denton. (London, 1874; 2nd ed. 1899.)
—— Kossovo. (London, 1881.)
Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich. The Servian People—Their past glory and their destiny. 2 vols. (London: Werner Laurie, 1911.)
Friedrich S. Krauss. Südslavische Hexensagen. (Vienna, 1884.)
—— Sitte und Branch der Südslaven. (Vienna, 1885.)
—— Slavische Volkforschungen. (Leipzig, 1908.)
Edward Gibbon. Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. (Bury's ed. 1898 (vii.).)
Jovan Tomić. Naučni pregled: Ponovno narodno pevanje. Književni Glasnik. Aug.-Oct. 1907.
Sr J. Stojković. Kraljević Marko, 65 pp. (Belgrade, 1907.)
—— Postanak i Poreklo narodnih pesama o Kraljeviću Marku. (Belgrade, 1921.)
Stanoje Stanojević. Istorija Srpskoga Naroda. (Belgrade, 1908.)
Dr T. Maretić. Naša narodna epika. 263 pp. (Zagreb, 1909.)
W. Miller. The Ottoman Empire. (Cambridge, 1913.)
Maximilian A. Mügge. Serbian Folk-songs, Fairy Tales and Proverbs. (London, 1916.)
H. W. V. Temperley. History of Serbia. (London: Bell, 1917.)
L. F. Waring. Serbia. (Home University Library, 1917.)
C. Jireček. Geschichte der Serben. (Gotha, 1911.)
Dr Milan Ćurčin. Das serbische Volkslied in der deutschen Literatur. (Leipzig, 1905.)
Prof. Pavle Popović. Jugoslovenska Književnost. (Cambridge, 1918.)
—— Serbian Grammar. (In collaboration with Dragutin Subotić.) (Clarendon Press, 1918), pp. 22-24.
H. Munro Chadwick. The Heroic Age (Cambridge, 1912), pp. 103-104; pp. 313-319 (The Battle of Kossovo); pp. 441 ff.
Dr Branko Vodnik. Narodne pjesme hrvatsko-srpske. (Zagreb, 1918.)
Helen Rootham. Kossovo, Heroic Songs of the Serbs. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1920.)
Quarterly Review, vol. xxxv. pp. 66—86. Translations from the Servian Minstrelsy: to which are added some Specimens of Anglo-Norman Romances. 4to. (London, 1826.) The article begins: "Of this volume a very small edition only has been printed for private circulation.…" The specimens given in the Review are sufficiently good to make one wish there had been more of them. They are evidently based on Talvj's German version and although it is not so stated, Lockhart himself was probably the translator. On page 28 of his "Servian Popular Poetry," Bowring, referring to the "Translations," comments acidly: "The tasteful author has no doubt greatly embellished the original."

The Marko cycle, as a whole, has never been translated into English, but the following books contain renderings of twelve of the ballads as given in the second volume of Vuk's collection:

"Servian Popular Poetry," by John Bowring. (London, 1827.)
  • 1. The Moorish King's Daughter.
  • 2. Marko and the Turks.
  • 3. Death of Kralevich Marko. (All in unrhymed decasyllabics.)
"Servia and the Servians," by Chedo Mijatovich. (London: Pitman, 1908.)
  • 1. Oorosh and Marko Kralyevich.
  • 2. The Royal Prince Marko and the Veela.
  • 3. Kralyevich Marko and Moossa Kessejiya.
  • 4. How Marko abolished the wedding-tax. (All in prose.)
"Hero-tales and Legends of the Serbians," by W. M. Petrovitch. (London: Harrap, 1914.)
  • 1. The Marriage of King Voukashin.
  • 2. Prince Marko tells whose the Empire shall be.
  • 3. Prince Marko and a Moorish Chieftain.
  • 4. Prince Marko abolishes the wedding-tax.
  • 5. Prince Marko and Bogdan the Bully.
  • 6. Prince Marko and General Voutcha.
  • 7. Prince Marko's wedding-procession.
  • 8. Prince Marko and the Moorish Princess.
  • 9. Prince Marko and the Veela.
  • 10. Prince Marko and the Turkish huntsmen.
  • 11. Prince Marko and Moussa Kessedjiya.
  • 12. The Death of Prince Marko. (All in prose.)
"Serbian Songs and Poems: Chords of the Yugoslav Harp," by J. W. Wiles. (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1917.) Mostly short lyrical pieces. Contains a metrical rendering of "Marko and the Falcon."
"Serbian Ballads," by R. W. Seton-Watson, has metrical translation of "Marko and the Vila" (not Vuk's version). "Serbian Ballads" is a pamphlet of sixteen pages published by the Kossovo Day Committee, 1916.