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Satyagraha in South Africa

Friend, the, 181

GANDHI, C. K., 281
Gandhi, Harilal Mohandas, 216
Gandhi, Maganlal Khushalchand, 109, 177, 320
Gandhi, Mrs Kasturba, 280-1
Gandhi, Mrs K. C., 281
Gandhi, Mrs S. M., 281
Gandhi, Mohandas Karamchand, the author, leaves India for South Africa in Dada Abdulla’s case, 41; lands in Durban, 41; is pushed out of the train at Maritzburg and insulted in other ways, 42-3; but sees the case through, 43; admitted as advocate of the Supreme Court of Natal, 45; helps to found the Natal Indian Congress, 45 ff.; and the Natal Indian Educational Association, 47; returns to India, 48; writes pamphlet on condition of Indians in South Africa, 50; meets Lokamanya, 50: and Gokhale, 51; addresses meetings in Poona and Madras, 52; recalled to South Africa, 52; mobbed in Durban, 57 ff.; but declines to prosecute assailants, 62 ff.; serves upon the ambulance corps in the Boer War, 75; returns to India and starts practice in Bombay, but is called to South Africa again, 81; opens an attorney’s office in Johannesburg, 85; joins the Indian Stretcher-bearer Corps in the Zulu ‘rebellion’, 97 ff.; his speech adumbrating Satyagraha, 104 ff.; serves on deputation to England, 118; starts Indian Opinion and founds Phoenix Settlement, 141 ff.; gets two months’ imprisonment, 148 ff.; his experiences in Johannesburg jail, 149 ff.; comes to terms with the Government on behalf of the Indians, 154 ff.; but is opposed and assaulted, 161 ff.; nursed by the Dokes, 168 ff.; his attempt to cast out fear, 186; charged with cunning, 207; in prison again, 220; goes to England on a second deputation, 227 ff.; writes Hind Swaraj, 231; his experiment of co-education, 243 ff.; experiments in drugless healing, 247 ff., 254 ff.; rejection of milk, 257; insistence upon speaking in the mother tongue, 265; requests Gokhale to speak in Marathi, 265-66; meets the mine-owners in connection with Indian labourers’ strike, 291 ff.; goes with the strikers to Charlestown, 294 ff.; and with them crosses over into the Transvaal, 297 ff.; gets nine months’ imprisonment at Dundee, 310; and three months’ at Volksrust, 310; released after six weeks, 322; meets General Smuts, 327 ff.; negotiates provisional agreement, 330 ff.; his letter to General Smuts marking the end of the Satyagraha struggle, 336 ff.; leaves South Africa for England en route to India, 338
Gandhi, R. M., 281
Germiston, 111, 137
Ghelanl, M. M., 219
Ghorkhodu Rustomji Jivanji = Parsi Rustomji q. v.