Page:The art of kissing (IA artofkissing987wood).djvu/34

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months long, the kiss described has distinct possibilities.

Yet the soul kiss, as the exclusive method, would grow wearisome. The bird peck variety of kiss, which flits tantalizingly all over the girl's face, and strays down to the neck and its environs, is a pleasant intermission between longer osculatory sessions. The three varieties of the soul kiss might be described as (1) that in which the two tongues involved perform a sort of hand wrestle with each other; (2) that in which the girl's tongue is withdrawn inward as far as possible, giving the man the maximum of territory to explore, and (3) that in which the girl does the exploring. Fancier variations of this will suggest themselves. And, of course, in all varieties of the kiss, the thrill is immediately communicated throughout the entire body.

A Girl's Kiss.—Although, as we have seen, the female kissed first in the shape of the maternal lick followed by the maternal kiss—in the ordinary intercourse between man and woman, the man kisses first. The reverse is true, when the girl is more experienced, and is perhaps a woman with a younger man. Then she may with propriety assume the role of the man, gently initiate the unkissed youth, as in our description of the initiation of the unkissed girl; and thereafter lead him up the long path to osculatory sheikdom.

In any kissing, where the man has started first, the one wrong thing is for the girl to remain passive, unless this be merely as an intermission. She should lag, in ideal kissing,