Page:The art of kissing (IA artofkissing987wood).djvu/35

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a little behind the man; but only a little behind him. As the fire of the kiss tingles throughout the veins of both, it is her cue to respond almost as ardently, and never be merely negative throughout the experience. Few men like the continuing sensation of kissing the stone image on top of a sarcophagus. Nor does the girl secure her greatest pleasure by utter passivity. "It is better to give than to receive" applies to both parties in a kissing episode.

The proper interruption for a spell of kisses given by the man to the girl is for her to reciprocate, and return the kisses. This advice is almost unnecessary, for women are disposed to return with interest the kisses given them.

Love, to man, is leaping fire,
Dying with its fed desire.

But, in woman, it will glow
Most, when man would have it go.

Hope no more of man than this,
Maiden, when you take his kiss:

That his loving will be done
When its victory is won.

Do not scold her drowsy ardor,
Lover; she will cling the harder.

Taught that your love, even at ending,
Lights a life for her long tending.

This is as good a place as any to say a word about the actual significance of the kiss. Pleasant as it is, its indiscriminate use is an abuse. Its proper function is as a prelude, not as a goal achieved. Men and women who play