corset, you receive a guarantee that your

garment was designed specially for you­and, you alone; that it will slenderize your figure, and above all it will be com­fortable.

And mark this: We are the only corset makers in the United States who can point to an increase in business every year for the past dozen years this in spite of the fact that we have never made the un­hygienic rubber corset. An Organization prospers only in so far as its product gives value received. The rapidly in­creasing number of Spencer wearers is abundant evidence that every wearer of Spencer Corsets is getting value received.

Dr. Martin Edwards of Boston, a well­known specialist in preventive medicine, wrote a striking article on "Good Health.," which was published in the American Magazine. We reprint the following ex­tract by permission of the publishers.

" I am apt to talk a good deal on pos­ture, because it is fundamental to the question of good health. And, a wrong poise of the body is well-nigh universal.

" In the years of your youth, before the inevitable sag caused by the downward pull of gravity, you feel but little effects.

(Continued on page 10)



The Spencer Corset

The Spencer Corset

Affords a perfect foundation for the most fashionable gowns. Made in either front or back lace, boned as lightly or heavily as needed.