1441115A Chinese Biographical Dictionary — Chang KangHerbert A. Giles

78Chang Kang 張綱 (T. 文紀). A virtuous Censor, who flourished during the reign of the Emperor Shun Ti, A.D. 126–148. Being ordered to proceed on a commission to examine into the morals of the empire, he buried his carriage-wheels at the gates of the capital, saying, "While wolves are in office, why seek out foxes?" Thereupon he boldly set to work to impeach the corrupt oficials who occupied high places. He also distinguished himself by securing the surrender of the insurgent 張嬰 Chang Ying, together with over ten thousand of his adherents, visiting the rebel camp unarmed and unattended, and winning over the leader by the simple force of his arguments. But the notorious Liang Chi was his enemy, and prevented him from being ennobled for his services. He died unrewarded at the early age of 36; upon which his son received an official appointment and a present of a million cash.