A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Abos, Geronimo

1501330A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Abos, GeronimoMary Catherine Hamilton

ABOS, Geronimo, born at Malta in the beginning of the 18th century, died at Naples about 1786, a composer of the Neapolitan school, and pupil of Leo and Durante. He was a teacher in the Conservatrio of 'La Pietà' at Naples, and trained many eminent singers, of whom Aprile was the most famous. He visited Rome, Venice, Turin, and, in 1756, London, where he held the post of maestro al cembalo at the opera. His operas are 'La Pupilla e 'l Tutore,' 'La Serva Padrona,' and 'L'Ifigenia in Aulide' (Naples), 'L' Artaserse' (Venice, 1746) 'L'Adriano' (Rome, 1750), 'Tito Manlio,' and 'Creso' (London, 1756 and 1758). His church music includes seven Masses, two Kyries, and several Litanies to the Virgin, preserved in manuscript in Naples, Rome, Vienna, and the Conservatoire in Paris. The style of his composition somewhat resembles that of Jomelli.