A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Adolfati, Andrea

From volume 1 of the work.

1502351A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Adolfati, AndreaMary Catherine Hamilton

ADOLFATI, Andrea, born in Venice 1711, date and place of death unknown; was a pupil of Galuppi, conductor of the music in the church of Santa Maria della Salute in Venice, and in that of the Annunciation at Genoa, the latter from about 1750 till his death. His principal operas are 'L'Artaserse,' 'L'Arianna,' 'Adriano in Siria,' and 'La Gloria ed il Piacere,' the first produced in Rome in 1742, the three last in Genoa in 1750–1752. He left also sacred compositions, chiefly Psalms. 'Arianna' is said to contain an air in the measure of five beats to the bar.

[ M. C. C. ]