A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Aichinger, Gregor

1502389A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Aichinger, GregorFranz Gehring

AICHINGER, Gregor. Born about 1565; took holy orders, and entered the service of Freiherr Jacob Fugger at Augsburg as organist. In 1599 he paid a visit of two years to Rome to perfect himself in music. The date of his death is unknown, but it is supposed that he was alive at the time of the publication of one of his works, Dec. 5, 1613. In the preface to his 'Sacrae Cantiones' (Venice, 1590), he praises the music of Gabrieli; and his works also betray the influence of the Venetian school. They are among the best German music of that time, bearing marks of real genius; and are superior to those of his contemporary, the learned Gallus, or Handl. Amongst the most remarkable are a 'Ubi est frater,' and 'Assumpta est Maria,' both for three voices; an 'Adoramus' for four; and an 'Intonuit de coslo' for six voices, the last printed in the Florilegium Portense. A Litany, a Stabat Mater, and various motetts of his are printed in Proske's 'Musica divina.'
[ F. G. ]