A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Bedos de Celles, François

From volume 1 of the work.

1502740A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Bedos de Celles, FrançoisFranz Gehring

BEDOS DE CELLES, Dom François, a learned Benedictine, born at Caux in the diocese of Bezières in 1706, entered the order at Toulouse in 1726, and died at St. Maur on Nov. 25, 1779. Author of 'L'art du facteur d'orgues' (Paris, 1766–78), an admirable work for the time, written at the request of the Académie des Sciences; also of an account of the new organ at St. Martin of Tours, in the 'Mercure de France' for Jan. 1762, of which a German translation by J. F. Agricola will be found in Adelung's 'Musica mechanica organœdi.' De Celles was a member of the Académie des Sciences of Bourdeaux, and corresponding member of that of Paris.

[ F. G. ]