A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Berchem, Jacques

From volume 1 of the work.

1502791A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Berchem, JacquesJames Robert Sterndale-Bennett

BERCHEM, Jacques or Jachet, was born in Flanders at the commencement of the 16th century, and flourished in the epoch immediately preceding that of Lassus and Palestrina. He passed the greater part of his life, from 1535 to 1565, in the service of the Duke of Mantua, and was called by the Italians Giachetto di Mantova. He must be carefully distinguished from two other composers, Jachet de Buus and Jachet de Wert, who lived in Italy at the same period; but it is impossible to decide which of the three is the author of certain pieces which bear the name of Jachet only. His motets, masses, and madrigals are to be found in the various collections printed at Venice between the years 1539 and 1545. One of his chief productions is a setting in four-part music of ninety-three stanzas of the 'Orlando Furioso' of Ariosto (Venice, 1561).