A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Berggreen, Andreas

1505314A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Berggreen, AndreasLouisa Middleton

BERGGREEN, Andreas Peter, born at Copenhagen in 1801, studied harmony and began to compose from the age of 14. Though destined by his parents for the law, he was led by his strong predilection for music to devote himself professionally to that art. His opera 'Billidet og Busten' (The Picture and the Bust), first performed April 9, 1832, and other works on a large scale, are less valued than his songs, especially his National Songs in 11 vols., his Songs for School Use, 13 vols., and above all, his Church Music and his Collection of Psalm Tunes, published in 1853, and since adopted in the churches throughout the country. His success in this direction may be owing to his position as organist to the church of the Trinity, Copenhagen, from 1838. He was a professor of singing at the Metropolitan School from 1843, and in the same year he established the first of those musical associations for the working classes now so popular in Denmark. Berggreen wrote occasional articles in the leading Danish papers, and for a short time edited a musical publication no longer existing. One of his most distinguished pupils in harmony and thoroughbass was Gade. Berggreen died at Copenhagen, aged 79, Nov. 9, 1880. For details of his early life and lists of his works, see Erslew's 'Almindeligt Forfatter Lexicon,' Copenhagen 1843, and its supplements.

[ L. M. M. ]