A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Berwald, Johann

From volume 1 of the work.

1502822A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Berwald, JohannFranz Gehring

BERWALD, Johann Friedrich, a violinist, son of one of the chamber musicians of the King of Sweden, born at Stockholm July 23, 1796, travelled as an infant prodigy, composed a symphony, and was famous in Russia, Poland, Austria, and Germany before he was ten years old. His second symphony was finished in Leipsic in 1799. In 1817 he again travelled, but in 1819 returned to Stockholm, and remained there as capellmeister till his death, April 3, 1868. His three daughters were singers of some repute. [App. p.545 "The dates of birth and death belong to the cousin of the subject of the article, Franz Berwald, who was director of the Conservatorium in Stockholm. Johann Friedrich was born in 1788, and died in 1861, having held the appointment of capellmeister since 1834."]

[ F. G. ]