A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Brüll, Ignaz

1505352A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Brüll, IgnazJ. A. Fuller-Maitland

BRÜLL, Ignaz, pianist and composer, born Nov. 7, 1846, at Prossnitz in Moravia, received instruction from Epstein, Rufinatscha and Dessoff. The first of these played a concerto by his young pupil in 1861, which brought the composer into notice. In the following year Brüll wrote an orchestral serenade which was performed at Stuttgart in 1864. He appeared as a pianist in Vienna (where his parents had lived since 1849) and undertook several concert tours, performing, among other things, his own compositions with the greatest success. From 1872 to 1878 he was engaged in teaching at one of the smaller institutions at Vienna. In the latter year he came to London, and played at no less than twenty concerts. By this time his opera 'Das goldene Kreuz' (produced Dec. 22, 1875, at Berlin) had obtained such success in different parts of Germany that Mr. Rosa was warranted in producing it in London during the composer's stay. It failed to produce any remarkable effect. His other operas are 'Die Bettler von Samarkand' (1864), 'Der Landfriede' (1877), 'Bianca' (1879), and 'Königin Mariette' (1883), besides which he has written a symphony op. 31, an overture 'Macbeth' op. 46, two pianoforte concertos, a violin concerto op. 41, a sonata for two pianos, a trio, and other works for piano and strings, besides pianoforte pieces and songs.
[ M. ]