A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Characteristic

From volume 1 of the work.

1503725A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — CharacteristicEbenezer Prout

CHARACTERISTIC. This term is sometimes applied to music which is designed as the expression of some special sentiment or circumstance. Thus in vocal music, if the melody is appropriate to the words, we may speak of the 'characteristic setting of the text.' In instrumental music, also, the word may be used where what is known as 'local colouring' is introduced; e.g. the 'Ranz des vaches' movement in Rossini's overture to 'Guillaume Tell' might be properly described as 'characteristic.' The term is also occasionally applied to programme music. Beethoven's sonata 'Adieu, Absence, and Return' is frequently entitled the 'Sonate Caracteristique,' though it does not appear that the title was given by the composer. He has, however, himself used it for the overture to Leonore, published as op. 138. (See Nottebohm's 'Them. Verzeichniss.') Spohr's 4th Symphony is entitled 'Die Weihe der Töne; charakteristisches Tongemülde,' &c.

[ E. P. ]