A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Coltellini, Celeste

From volume 1 of the work.

1503848A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Coltellini, CelesteMary Catherine Hamilton

COLTELLINI, Celeste, born at Leghorn 1764, death uncertain [App. p.595 "1817"]; daughter of a poet and a celebrated singer, made her first appearance at Naples in 1781. The Emperor Joseph II engaged her for the Opera at Vienna in 1783, and she did not return to Naples till 1790. She married a French merchant named Méricofre, and retired from the stage in 1795. Her voice was a mezzo-soprano, and she excelled in the expression of sentiment. Paisiello wrote his 'Nina' for her, and on one occasion as she was singing the air 'Il mio ben quando verrà?' a lady among the audience burst into tears, crying aloud 'Si, si, lo rivedrai il tuo Lindoro.'

[ M. C. C. ]