A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Dowland, Robert

From volume 1 of the work.

1504158A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Dowland, RobertGeorge GroveWilliam H. Husk

DOWLAND, Robert, son of the preceding, was also a lutenist. In 1610 he edited 'A Musicall Banqvet. Furnished with varietie of Delicious Ayres, Collected out of the best Authors in English, French, Spanish and Italian, by Robert Dowland.' The authors referred to are Daniel Batchelar, John Dowland, Robert Hales, Anthony Holborne, and Richard Martin. In the same year he also edited 'Varietie of Lessons: viz. Fantasies, Pavins, Galliards, Almaines, Corantoes, and Volts. Selected out of the best approved Authors, as well beyond the Seas as of our owne Country. By Robert Dowland. Whereunto is annexed certaine Observations belonging to Lute-playing by John Baptisto Besardo of Viconti: Also a short Treatise thereunto appertayning by John Dowland, Batchelor of Musicke.' In April, 1626, on the death of his father, Robert Dowland was appointed his successor as one of the musicians to the king. The time of his death has not been discovered, but he was living in 1641, when his name occurs as one of the 'Musicians for the Waytes.'

[ W. H. H. ]