A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Eberwein, Traugott

From volume 1 of the work.

1504208A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Eberwein, TraugottMary Catherine Hamilton

EBERWEIN, Traugott Maximillian, violinist and composer, of great note in his day, though now quite forgotten, born at Weimar 1775 [App. p.625 "Oct. 27"]. At seven he played in the court band of Weimar. In 1797 he entered the service of the Prince of Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt, but it was not till 1817 that he became his chapel-master. In the interval he travelled much, making the acquaintance of Adam Hiller and Zelter at Berlin, and of Beethoven and Salieri at Vienna. He was a man of some influence and position, and one of the original founders of the musical festivals in Germany. Goethe frequently mentions him in his correspondence. He died at Rudolstadt, Dec. 2, 1831. His works, more numerous than original, include 11 operas; 3 cantatas; a mass in A♭, his best work; a symphonic concertante for oboe, horn, and bassoon; concertos, quartets, etc.

[ M. C. C. ]