A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Gedackt-Work
GEDACKT-WORK (i.e. gedeckt}. All the Flue-stops of an Organ composed of pipes that are entirely covered or closed in at the top are members of the 'Gedackt' or Covered-work. To this class therefore belong the Sub-Bourdon, 32; Bourdon, 16; Stopped Diapason, 8; and Stopped Flute, 4 feet-tone. When made to a 'small scale,' and voiced so as to produce a sweet tone, the adjective 'Lieblich' is prefixed, as Lieblich Bourdon, 16, Lieblich Gedackt, 8, Lieblich Flöte, 4 feet-tone. Large stopped pipes are generally made of wood; the smaller ones either of wood or metal. Covered Stops were first made in Germany, in the early part of the 16th century.
[ E. J. H. ]