A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Guidetti, Giovanni

From volume 1 of the work.

1504668A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Guidetti, GiovanniFranz Gehring

GUIDETTI, Giovanni, born at Bologna in 1532; according to Baini came to Rome, and was a pupil of Palestrina. Palestrina being commissioned by Gregory XIII to revise the services of the Roman Church, associated his pupil with him in the task, as having an intimate knowledge of the MSS. both in St. Peter's and in the other principal churches of Rome. Thus the real labour of the work, which he himself styles 'opus nullius ingenii, multarum tamen vigiliarum,' fell upon him. It was begun in 1576, and occupied him till 1581. The work was published in 1582 'Directorium chori … Opera Joannis Guidetti Bononiensis,' etc., and Guidetti had the right of sale for ten years. His preface makes the respective shares of the labour of himself and Palestrina clear. He had the drudgery, while Palestrina had the final revision and completion of all portions requiring it. It is quite consistent with Palestrina' s character that he should have thus given Guidetti his full credit. The 'Directorium' went through many subsequent editions down to 1737, and was succeeded by 'Cantus ecclesiasticus passionis,' etc. (1586); 'Cantus ecclesiasticus officii majoris,' etc. (1587); and 'Praefationes in cantu firmo,' etc. (1588), all published in Rome. The aim of these works was to revive Gregorian singing in its pristine purity, and free it from the arbitrary additions and alterations then in vogue. Guidetti was a priest, and died at Rome Nov. 30, 1592.

[ F. G. ]