A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Harington, Henry

From volume 1 of the work.

1504730A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Harington, HenryWilliam H. Husk

HARINGTON, Henry, M.D., born in 1727 at Kelston, Somersetshire; in 1745 entered at Queen's College, Oxford, with the view of taking orders. He used to pass his vacations with his uncle, William, vicar of Kingston, Wilts, from whom he imbibed a taste for music and poetry. He resided there during 8 years, and wrote some unimportant pieces of music and poetry. In 1748 he took his B.A. degree, abandoned his intention of taking orders, and commenced the study of medicine. He remained at Oxford until he took his M.A. and M.D. degrees. Whilst there he joined an amateur musical society established by Dr. W. Hayes, to which those only were admitted who were able to play and sing at sight. On leaving Oxford he established himself as a physician at Bath, devoted his leisure to composition, and founded the Harmonic Society of Bath. In 1797 he published a volume of glees, catches, etc., and afterwards joined Edmund Broderip, organist of Wells, and Rev. William Leeves, composer of 'Auld Robin Gray,' in the publication of a similar volume. In 1800 he published 'Eloi! Eloi! or, The Death of Christ,' a sacred dirge for Passion Week. Harington was an alderman of Bath, and served the office of mayor with credit. He died Jan. 15, 1816, and was buried in Bath Abbey. His compositions are 'distinguished for originality, correct harmony and tenderness, and he was remarkably successful in some humorous productions' (Harmonicon). His round 'How great is the pleasure' used to be well known.

[ W. H. H. ]