A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Herz, mein Herz, warum so traurig?

1505555A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Herz, mein Herz, warum so traurig?J. A. Fuller-Maitland

HERZ, MEIN HERZ, WARUM SO TRAURIG? One of the most universally popular of German Volkslieder, the words of which were written about 1812 by Joh. Rudolph Wÿss, junr., in the dialect of Berne, and the music composed by Joh. Ludwig Friedrich Glück, a German clergyman (1793–1840). The popular 'In einem kühlen Grunde' (Das zerbrochene Ringlein), is a setting of Eichendorff's words by the same composer. Both date from about 1814.

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