A Dictionary of Music and Musicians/Isham, John

From volume 2 of the work.

1518582A Dictionary of Music and Musicians — Isham, JohnWilliam H. Husk

ISHAM, John, Mus. Bac., was for some years deputy organist for Dr. Croft. On Jan 22, 1711, he was elected organist of St. Anne's, Soho, on Croft's resignation. On July 17, 1713, he graduated as Bachelor of Music at Oxford, and on April 3, 1718, was elected organist of St. Andrew's, Holborn, with a stipend of £50 per annum, upon which he resigned his place at St. Anne's, the vestry objecting to his holding both appointments. Shortly afterwards he was chosen organist of St. Margaret's, Westminster. He composed some anthems, and joined with William Morley in publishing a joint-collection of songs, Isham's two-part song in which, 'Bury delights my roving eye,' was very popular in its day, and is reprinted by Hawkins in his History (ch. 168). He died in June 1726, and was buried on the 12th of that month in St. Margaret's church.

[ W. H. H. ]